I was diagnosed hEDS at the end of November. Can you share your tips & management advice? It would be highly appreciated #EhlersDanlosSyndrome
I have been housebound/bedbound for years with unrelenting pain & spontaneous subluxations, dislocations of my joints. The worst are my shoulders and hips as even laying down causes dislocations. I have widespread instability & bone deformaties. When I try to walk my hip curves, subluxate & knees twist inwards painfully, outside leg bone on right leg moves & knocks as I try to use my feet normally. I cant stand for no more than 10 mins on very rare "better" days before my pain around the si joint, back & heels starts flaring severely making me fall with faitgue & balance issues, along with skin rashes & blood vessels burning as my blood pressure shoots along with my heartbeat, causing dizziness, sweating & muscular fatigue. My doctors are not helping me currently regarding joint issues. I use heat, ice often & medical cannabis has been my saving grace as all pain pharmaceutical medications have caused GI complications. #HypermobileType #ChronicIllnessEDS #BenignHypermobilityJointSyndrome