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It's 415am and I can't sleep

It might be because I drank a bottle of IQ Joe with my dinner lol.

Now Pauley and I are eating chocolate chips. She's going down obscure rabbit holes on Wikipedia while I'm just listening to music and researching medical stuff.

Today was testosterone Tuesday. I have been back on T for about 3 months. My facial hair is coming in thick and my voice is cracking again. But I'm also breaking out in lots of acne. Boy puberty sucks but it's a jillion times better than girl puberty.

My right foot is 2x it's normal size. Tomorrow the first call I'm gonna make is to the Endo. I'm concerned about how lymphedema and diabetes interact.

I'm feeling very invisible. If you see this post, what's your favorite poem? Or if you're feeling spry, write me a haiku about spring.#HRT #HormoneReplacementTherapy #Transgender #LGBT #Transman #testosterone #Lymphedema #Diabetes

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It's 415am and I can't sleep

It might be because I drank a bottle of IQ Joe with my dinner lol.

Now Pauley and I are eating chocolate chips. She's going down obscure rabbit holes on Wikipedia while I'm just listening to music and researching medical stuff.

Today was testosterone Tuesday. I have been back on T for about 3 months. My facial hair is coming in thick and my voice is cracking again. But I'm also breaking out in lots of acne. Boy puberty sucks but it's a jillion times better than girl puberty.

My right foot is 2x it's normal size. Tomorrow the first call I'm gonna make is to the Endo. I'm concerned about how lymphedema and diabetes interact.

I'm feeling very invisible. If you see this post, what's your favorite poem? Or if you're feeling spry, write me a haiku about spring.#HRT #HormoneReplacementTherapy #Transgender #LGBT #Transman #testosterone #Lymphedema #Diabetes

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Bad day

Tired of not being considered my own person, I’m not an extension of anyone. Period. Also a trans man was brutally killed recently. I just wanna hide under my blanket and not come out until the world fixes itself. The world is getting scarier by the minute. #LGBTQ #Trauma #PTSD

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Bad day

Tired of not being considered my own person, I’m not an extension of anyone. Period. Also a trans man was brutally killed recently. I just wanna hide under my blanket and not come out until the world fixes itself. The world is getting scarier by the minute. #LGBTQ #Trauma #PTSD

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I don’t trust this world, especially when it comes to being autistic | TW vent, swearing, all caps, ableism

I wish the DSM haven’t changed the Autism label to include “disorder”. My autism is NOT A FUCKING DISORDER!! Although I do get those who do believe that their experience is disordered, and that is valid and fine! I just mean generally when ASD is used to describe the whole community… I hate it. With a passion.

Autism is a spectrum. “Low functioning” and “high-functioning” are harmful terms for the community (unless there is any way to reclaim these labels and genuinely make sense, maybe not using “functioning” because what?)

We are not born with “defects” or “impaired” (unless an autistic individual genuinely view their autism this way in a non-ableist way) and the DSM symptoms was written to (maybe unintentionally) put blame on us for being different and having different social communications.

There is no such fucking thing as a “look” to having autism.

It’s not just men that can have autism. Woman/womxn and those outside of the binary spectrum (e.g. non-binary) can, too.

The puzzle design has been ruined because of a shit ableist company called Autism Speaks, and it grosses me out every fucking time I see it now.

I lost one of my ex-favorite singers 4 years ago because she turned ableist towards the autistic community.

I’m extremely sensitive to ableism when it comes to autism… because I feel like not many allistics (non-autistics) really get us… I’m scared to fucking go out again. I feel like I can mostly trust autistic individuals to talk to without being judged or thought of a ridiculous misconception. I’m scared to interact with most neurotypicals again because I fear of what they actually think of me or what common misconception they think of autists. I’m so sick of this….. I almost wish that I wasn’t autistic so that I no longer have to deal with knowing the existence of these fucking stereotypes and misconceptions and stigma that I involuntarily have to possibly face! This sucks!!! Why is it so scary being a part of such a small yet pretty misunderstood group?!! I don’t want to hide who I am, but I don’t want folks/folx to start thinking of stereotypes if I do wear an autism pin again!

(please don’t call me human, I non-pessimistically and spiritually think otherwise mentally, I get species dysphoria being called human and will just make things worse so please respect this, thank you!)

#Anxiety #AutismSpectrum #MyAutismIsNotADisorder #MyAutismIsNotADisability #Stigma #sad #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #OSTD #OtherSpecifiedTraumaDisorder #Vent #triggerwarning #LGBTQIA

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Monday question

Welcome to Monday! I've notticed people have been replying less to the daily questions, if you have any suggestions on how to improve, comment, but until then I will change to every other day.

Whats one thing you want to get done this week?

I'll start. I want to work on my stories

#MightyTogether #LGBTQ #Transgender #nonbinary

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Monday question

Welcome to Monday! I've notticed people have been replying less to the daily questions, if you have any suggestions on how to improve, comment, but until then I will change to every other day.

Whats one thing you want to get done this week?

I'll start. I want to work on my stories

#MightyTogether #LGBTQ #Transgender #nonbinary

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Wednesday question

Welcome to Wednesday. I hope you all are at least alright! Just a quick reminder, if anyone has any questions, about anything LGBTQ+ related or related to the group, or if you just need someone to talk to, feel free to reach out. I follow all my group members so it will be easy to reach out.

Today's question, what do you like to do when your feeling sad?

I'll start. I like to read, write, draw, or chat with my friends.

#LGBTQ #Transgender #nonbinary #MightyTogether

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Wednesday question

Welcome to Wednesday. I hope you all are at least alright! Just a quick reminder, if anyone has any questions, about anything LGBTQ+ related or related to the group, or if you just need someone to talk to, feel free to reach out. I follow all my group members so it will be easy to reach out.

Today's question, what do you like to do when your feeling sad?

I'll start. I like to read, write, draw, or chat with my friends.

#LGBTQ #Transgender #nonbinary #MightyTogether

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Tip to help with gender dysphoria. Week 1

Of course, I am not an expert, even though I am diagnosed with Gender Dysphoria, So I looked into multiple sources to give this week's tip.

The tip of the week. Try to understand what you are feeling. Don't deny the feelings. Don't try to ignore them. I tried to ignore the feelings for years and its only come back, but worse. Gender Dysphoria is not a comfortable thing, but ignoring it is never the answer.

Next week I will give tips for the other topic that won the vote (See the 21/1/25 or 1/21/25 Tuesday question to see what the other topic ). And if you have any questions about this week's tip, please comment down below. I will try to answer them as best as I can.

#MightyTogether #LGBTQ #Transgender #nonbinary #GenderDysphoria

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