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Hello! My name is Alex, and I’m new here. I joined because I would love to interact with people who have had similar experiences to myself and hoping I could learn some techniques or insight on how to overcome anxiety, feeling overwhelmed/lonely and just being unsure of what to do in life.

I little bit about myself; I was in the Military and struggled with depression, anxiety and loneliness because of drug/alcohol abuse during my time abroad. When I left, I started university but quickly dropped out because I was overwhelmed and couldn’t properly deal with the issues I had acquired because of my situation. I had a girlfriend at the time that was the only one who could help me work through my issues, but I figured out that she had cheated on me. I constantly felt unmotivated, I had terrible eating/sleeping habits and allowed myself to get to rock bottom. I worked in a hospital and psychiatric prisons after my time in the military and experienced a lot of death and violent behavior which really didn’t help me recover in any way. Some time has past since then, and I never chose to reach out for help in any way, I simply wanted to forget about everything and move on, which I know really wasn’t the best move.

Although things did turn out in the end. I found a decent career and have been sober for over 5 months, but recently I have been feeling overwhelmed/burnt out, unmotivated to work hard or commit to much and my eating/sleeping habits are starting to be out of sorts, which is the reason I decided to try this out. I’m hoping to get some insight into what has worked for others to recover from traumatic experiences, and how to get out of a slump. Thank you ☺️.


I was actually doing pretty good, my emotions getting to me again an I jus keep crying an half the time Im jus feeling really lonely. 😭 no one really been caring to talk to me because I'm not in a big time party or hangout mood. It's kinda painful to know that I'm only worth being around is if I feel like partying, if I don't wanna party an jus kick it hangout an talk, none of them reply back.

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I waked up pauley at 130pm . I was incredibly lonely so I wanted to cuddle. She trying to be awake but she keeps dozing off while she sits. I think I'll lick her face. That'll wake her up.


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Put Miranda Lambert, Kate Hudson, Drew Barrymore n Reese Witherspoon back on the shelf, Aspen book n Coleen McConough if I'm spelling it right, Buddha's going by Loreena, what does home mean to you, thank you for small things, this is my home, please no more acquiring, am I wrong to stay in it, still reach out but home n family mean so much, protect your hearth from within, cherish n spread love, be tollerant, ask what people want rather than imposing, a small night away's ok but we all belong somewhere specific, what are possessions, old n new, I mean some of us Have Dylan n Van n Neil n Downey n Lightfoot n Joni n Sarah n Jewel Vinyl and this is our possession, some have diamonds n enslave a heart, some gold, some a favourite dress w memories, some shoes, some photos, me - an Inner Harbour sweatshirt, some rewind the gold, some Disney, its nice to have a place n somewhere warm to come back to, a bed of Roses, a blanket of Stars, an old quilt, a place of memories, clean it, help, keep neat, celebrate, invite, protect, I'm a phony in that my hand is still small right now, not the fancy hostess just from the heart, its called share what you may, accept people's flaws and hopefully one day find more blood, a bit lonely in this world, such delic abundant food, Thank you

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I thought I was better....

I changed meds last fall and was feeling so much better. Back to working and keeping house. The holidays and a 2nd job were hard but .... then had disagreement with husband that put me back in the old pit of depression. 2 days ago. Just coming out. SO DISAPPOINTED. Facing the reality this is a lifelong disease and I have to work on it regularly. Ugh. 😪 I feel very alone and would really like some friends here.

Also I had beat a xanax addiction but I'm back on it now. Frustrating!!

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I thought I was better....

I changed meds last fall and was feeling so much better. Back to working and keeping house. The holidays and a 2nd job were hard but .... then had disagreement with husband that put me back in the old pit of depression. 2 days ago. Just coming out. SO DISAPPOINTED. Facing the reality this is a lifelong disease and I have to work on it regularly. Ugh. 😪 I feel very alone and would really like some friends here.

Also I had beat a xanax addiction but I'm back on it now. Frustrating!!

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I'm new here!

Hi, my name is Chickthatgotsick3. I'm here because I live with chemical sensitivities, CFS, migraine and mental illness symptoms that accompany. Ive been 18 years disabled and working daily to get well. Some days I think I'm as good as I'm going to get and that still won't allow me to walk into the grocery store w/o reacting. I feel isolated and lonely. Other than my husband, who is a prince, my family just doesn't get it. Their actions or lack thereof indicate they either don't believe me or they don't care. I came across the Mighty while looking for an article to send my Mom after she told me to think my way out of getting sick from fragrances. Found the perfect one,"Don't say it's all in your head to a person with illness". I'm very grateful to the author and to have found this space! Thank you!

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I’m new here!

Hi, I’m here because I’ve been struggling after losing my dad. It feels like I’ve lost myself too. Even when I’m surrounded by people, I feel a deep loneliness, like I’m drowning while everyone else watches from the shore. I’m not entirely sure what I’m looking for here, but I think it’s someone who truly understands this kind of pain—someone who can help me make sense of what I’m feeling. If you can relate, I’d love to hear from you.