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Herx question for Lyme

I’ve had some severe Herx Reactions that lead me to Er. Horrendous. I don’t even remember the 3 weeks I was forcing myself to take Doxy plaquenil and Tinidazole. NOPE NEVER! I am on a lot of supplements which I’m sure you all are. But thanks be been tolerating Byron Whites a-l complex. Knocked me down at first but now I’m up to 15 drops a day. Dr added Clarithromycin a week ago ( I was terrified) I seem to be tolerating and having less Herx episodes. Does this mean it’s stopped working or I’m getting better? I know you’re not Dr’s. Just looking for opinions.
#LymeDisease #lyme #lymewarriors #ChronicIllness #LymeWars #ChronicLymeDisease


Anyone else’s leg going numb?

I got diagnosed with Lyme in November of 2018, but had it for 8-9 years before getting diagnosed. Pain is in my jaw, both hips, and both knees along with brain issues (mood changes, anxiety). Lately, I have been having a throbbing pain in my left hip and my left leg goes numb. The numb isn’t like a static pain, but when I move my leg, I get sharp pains up and down my leg. Please help! #lyme #LymeDisease #LymeWars #LymeWarrior #ChronicLymeDisease #ChronicIllness #Spoonie #SpoonieProblems #COVID19

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Hi everyone! It’s been a while since I have posted. How is everyone doing? Has anyone been doing anything fun or interesting lately? I’d like to hear about it! I have just been doing laundry, cleaning, playing with my dogs, and doing lots of puzzles. The puzzle in the picture is the most recent one I have completed. Since the beginning of quarantine, I have completed 8 puzzles and I still have 3 that I have to finish. Puzzles keep my mind off of the pain I’m always in and they make me happy.
#lyme #LymeDisease #LymeWars #LymeWarrior #ChronicLymeDisease #ChronicIllness #COVID19 #Spoonie #DistractMe

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Yesterday, I graduated!! The families stayed in their cars and the graduates sat in front of the cars, but 6 feet away from the other graduates as well. We had to stop every once and a while as it had started raining and thundering. I’m glad that my small school and our town approved of this graduation ceremony. I know a lot of schools aren’t getting a real ceremony and my principal fought for this because he wanted to give us what we deserved. I loved my school and will miss it greatly.
#lyme #LymeDisease #LymeWars #LymeWarrior #ChronicLymeDisease #ChronicIllness #COVID19 #Classof2020 #2020 #Graduation

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Happy Lyme Disease Month!! Day 31

Last day!! I thought this would be such an easy task, but it wasn’t. Trying to think of something everyday, especially when my brain isn’t working right, is quite difficult. I hope you all have learned from these 31 posts and will stand up for yourself, others, and educate everyone.
#lyme #LymeDisease #LymeWars #LymeWarrior #ChronicLymeDisease #ChronicIllness #COVID19 #Spoonie #Pain #Cure #SpreadTheWord

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Happy Lyme Disease Month!! Day 30

This is so frustrating! You don’t know how it is unless you’ve spent countless hours up because of pain, spent hours in a doctors office trying to convince them, taking so many pills that you almost choke.
#lyme #LymeDisease #LymeWars #LymeWarrior #ChronicLymeDisease #ChronicIllness #COVID19 #Spoonie #Cure #SpreadTheWord #Pain