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Stressful situations

How to deal with taking a shower when I can't stand too long. Thanks to my grandma for having a shower seat but made a mess last time when water got everywhere, and it was extremely stressful for me because it is so hard to for me to do something so easy. I am also very highly sensitive, and any little situation gets me into a mess of tears and a headache or two. #HighlySensitive #Anxiety #Osteoarthritis Are there any accessories you guys use in the shower to help when standing or anything else?

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Pain with sleeping

How do you deal with sleeping at night without tossing and turning in pain? I try to keep a pillow under my knees, but it doesn't help too much. I also take melatonin and Cbd gummies which helps some. Also are there any hip supports for during the day or a quick stop to shop without being in pain.#Osteoarthritis

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Hi, I had joined in 2020 and have recently come back. Since I was born, I've had a cleft lip and palette. In middle school I was bullied constantly for this and having my brother around definitely helped. Nowadays I struggle with Osteoarthritis in both knees as well as my right hip, which is the most difficult to deal with. I have to use a cane, or I'd be limping around. Due to my family, I also struggle with anxiety. Music has always been a healing tool for me as well as anything related to Disney as I practically grew up on it thanks to my aunt. I also love anime :)

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I’m new here!

Hi, my name is MitzisMama. I'm here because I’ve been living with Fibro for over 20 years now and have just recently succumbed to applying for disability because I can no longer work. Has anyone ever received SSDI for having fibromyalgia? If so, do you have any insight on how to get approved?

#MightyTogether #Fibromyalgia #ChronicFatigue #ChronicPain #Depression #Osteoarthritis

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I'm new here!

Hi, my name is HopefulMimi. I'm here because I'm struggling with a new Rheumatoid Arthritis diagnosis. I also have fibromyalgia, Osteoarthritis, and Pseudogout. I feel alone and scared most of the time. The medications are scary and confusing.

#MightyTogether #Depression #Fibromyalgia #PTSD #RheumatoidArthritis

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My caregiver slept till 2pm. She decided today she was gonna organize and clean my room. I directed her from my bed. I hadn't touched my suitcase since I got home from con in September. She unpacked it, put away my clothes, and helped me process my emotions. Now she's vacuuming.

My right side from just above my butt cheek all the way to my toes hurts like hell. The pain meds helped with my back pain and migraine but it doesn't help with my right hip. We're starting to worry cuz it's been really bad for about 3 weeks. I remember my hips popped out of joint a few weeks ago. Like really loud POP. It's been hurting since.

I have bilateral acetabular impingement, bursitis, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis in both hips. I've also got bone spurs in my hip joints. So I've got pretty intense pain.

#Caregiving #Relationships #hippain #BackPain #bilateralacetabularimpingement #Bursitis #Osteoarthritis #ChronicPain

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It's a rough day but good things happened

Laundry got picked up at 826am. It only took 3 hours for them to wash and fold and deliver the laundry. Then we got 2 packages from Amazon. I ordered some sticky rice, ranch dressing, and a can of hearts of palm. An hour later our Instacart order was delivered. We got lots of really good stuff.

I had to cancel going to art group. My back pain only just went down to 6. It was 8 all morning. This is the 4th month of missing art group. I think I'll just not go back. I'll still go out once per month with the lady who runs the group. I need a stronger pain relief cream. I'm considering trying some pain relief tea.

#ChronicPain #BackPain #hipimpingement #Bursitis #Osteoarthritis #polyarthritis

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Pain is exhausting

I woke up at 8am with intense sharp stabbing back pain so I took a Norco at about 830. A half hour ago I asked my caregiver what time I took the Norco and she snapped at me. I didn't know she was busy with work. So I looked at the clock and realized it had been 5 hours. I usually take one every 4 hours. No wonder I was hurting so much. So I went and got a 7.5mg Norco. When I got back to my bed I realized I had a really nasty migraine. So I took a sumatriptan and 2 Excedrin. That was 20 minutes ago. I'm starting to notice my migraine has decreased in severity. My back still hurts like hell.

I've got therapy at 3pm. My caregiver is supposed to join me but I think she's not going to. I emailed my therapist the journal prompts she and I worked on last night. I actually posted some of the answers in Self Discovery Workshop if you're interested.

My caregiver made me a jug of cold brew coffee last night. She and I discussed how making me coffee when I'm sad or having a high pain day is the trick to making me happy. She didn't realize how important coffee is to me. I'm working on a bottle of juice right now. I'm gonna mix the coffee with a protein shake.

#BackPain #Migraine #ChronicPain #Bursitis #hipimpingement #Osteoarthritis #RheumatoidArthritis #coffeeadventure

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Pain is shooting down my right leg to my knee. My back feels like it got stabbed. My hips are trashed. Maybe my caregiver will let me have the other half of the Norco now instead of having to wait till 7pm. Pain is at 7.

#BackPain #ChronicPain #hipimpingement #Bursitis #Osteoarthritis #RheumatoidArthritis