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June 1993 I suffered a traumatic brain injury complete with a helicopter ride to the hospital unconscious and unable to enjoy the ride out of the mountain to Denver.
June 2024 I suffered a stroke and get a surgical procedure in three week to clean out my right carotid artery at which time the Dr. will decide of the left side carotid needs cleaned out as well at a later date. His current guess as of this morning it will not need to be done, lucky me. So now I am seeing how this app works. At least I will be back to Sky Ridge Hospital which has tasty #BreakfastBurritos but not to the point of being a fair trade off. I like to #Workout an hour a day to avoid a big belly and am at least winning that battle.

What did I do to deserve this second dose of OT, PT, AND Speech therapies? They even said they took my drivers license again, oh joy… #OccupationalTherapy #PhysicalTherapy #SpeechTherapy #BrainInjury #Stroke #sucks I am not bitter, I just want to know why me again
Brownie points to the person who knows where the app screenshot came from

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My brain injury kept giving

What can I say? It took me 4 days to be brave enough to able to share
recent life experience here in Lone Tree, Colorado. My life took a serious turn for the worse and I’m not having any fun. Wishing I could be outside and play-but no. Instead I have heavy track marks on my arms from a few billion ivs.
I went head to head with a #Stroke but I’m too stubborn to let it win when it teamed up with my #TBI to double my fun. The experience damn near killed me. Good thing I have a great night nurse from Tibet that has a my back totally #grateful for her awesome care and a breakfast burrito with green chili to get and keep me fired up.
Getting tired waiting for my sleep medication to be delivered tonight after 3 to 6hours of butt kicking therapy a day. This morning I had to stand on a ball that looks like the planet Saturn to balance on while playing catch with a beach ball without crashing. Kinda impressed my 63 year old brain but don’t tell my PT, ST. and Ot team or they will up the ante. I need video of this stupid human trick to show off my lost talent. Have a great day.

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Asperger's and Communication (Part 2)

We are not compatible with the school system because we don't know how to behave and it doesn't stretch us (I hated it but fitted in better than many in my position, except when it came to maths. A certain teacher aimed questions at me, in front of the whole class, deliberately to humiliate me as he knew I couldn't answer them).

We are non conformist, not because we deliberately want to rebel against authority but because we don't have the social skills to fit in (we are size ten feet in size five shoes as I once put it). Our rebellions (temper tantrums) are because of sensory overload. Like a bucking bronco we kick off unwanted pressure and distractions from outside. For instance when I was a volunteer at The Dunn Nutrition Centre in Cambridge, I lost my temper because my room was beside the toilet block and I got fed up with banging doors and toilet seats. I locked the entrance into it and threw the keys in the courtyard, leaving shortly after that.

Digestive sensitivity (histamine reaction to wheat and food additives), disclosed themselves through indigestion, hay fever and twenty odd years of migraines. It may also be why I have to continually crack joints in my body (not only knuckles but knees, wrists, neck, lower back, between the shoulder blades, ankles and for some odd reason my left big toe but not my right). I also have restless leg syndrome, which is probably an offshoot of this. I also flick, tap and raise individual fingers, which I assume is my form of ticking but not like a clock.

Why is apparent deafness is one of autism's principle symptoms? Well that is because hyper visual concentration means shutting out all distractions from the other senses and that includes sound, hence the appearance of deafness. Even ordinary people need to do that because sound especially, turns our attention outwards into the world and away from visual attention aimed down and in.

The OCD component is I believe two fold but related. The first is the obvious fear of contagion (disease mostly) and the second is a fear of chaos. This is why we have our own rituals and the urge to create order around us (disease and dis-ease as objective and subjective parts of the condition). Illness creates internal chaos in our bodies and dis-order does the same thing with our minds.

Visual thinkers like me can instantly see answers to why things are the way they are. If you look at my writings (philosophical speculation), you will see that they are formulaic or even balanced equations, unless I didn't write my thoughts down instantly when they came to me, in which case they would have rambled into lengthy diatribes, no better in most cases than anyone else.

I too find talk confusing because of its speed and the efforts of verbalisers to work in depth is minimised. Temple Grandin’s point about the blind using bat echo location, falls into line with my point about sign language and forcing the deaf to talk. They have no sonic feedback ability, so cannot improve their ability to talk. They do see however and can speak with their hands as quickly and fluently as verbal speakers can with their mouths. My next door neighbour has developed motor neurone disease, so can no longer speak clearly but her handwriting is still as legible as it ever was, so this remains her principle means of communication.

Alters, valences and MPD sufferers are all attempts to take on the characteristics of those who are more successful in society than we are (adopt their persons).

At school my maths teacher at secondary level, always picked on me because he knew I couldn't answer any abstract questions he threw me. Then on the last day of the final term in his class, he produced a game for the whole of the class to solve and I was the only one to work it out because it was visual (you have two rows of three coins, arranged so that the top row is offset, sitting on the bottom row: all the coins touch two others and you have to turn the design into a circle by moving one coin at a time, so that they still touch two other coins, until the figure is complete).

When the autistic talk about their condition being a traumatic experience, they are correct. My wife broke her wrist about a month ago and since then has had an NT arm and an autistic arm. The injured hand is ultra sensitive. When she uses it to touch the sleeve of her jacket, it feels like sack cloth she says but the other hand has no such effect (hot and cold are equally contrary).

When I used to have migraines, it was the same for me but there was little discernible difference in body sides just a whole body sensitivity to touch, light, sound, smell and taste (in all cases input was too much). This makes me wonder if it's the same for epileptics and stroke victims? Is autism simply nerve damage that remains undetectable by our present medical technology, which in turn is not sensitive enough to pick up such data?

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New here

Hello all I am an artist and a caregiver to my wife who had a stroke 4 years ago. Depression has kept me from my art but being here already has helped so much. I am here to make friends and listen
Attached is a portrait of my dear friends I did a few months ago

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Hard night

Hi, so hostessing went off without a hitch, lotsa politics early on so I got a headache, and tears over my mom, then hosted, cleaned up, partner drove elder home, listenned to a song in car, went to park for fireworks exhausted, met no one but maybe almost a friend at fireworks one day, walked home, got yelled at about kids school, then told by partner he wanted to yell and cause himself a stroke, while he had a pain in his arm, at 2 am daughter examined every inch of my cigarette credit card bill, both yelled, I apologized for manicure, cried, asked for strength, need that, and faith, called a friend, he called elder, got asked if I wanted Ribeena 15 times while crying, made it through, back to busy mom, called school, go to mtg, gave man coffee card and asked him to see a triage nurse, became that triage nurse, didn't do my hair, made beds

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Are you struggling with chronic pain, anxiety, or age-related health challenges?

Meet Kristo—he suffered from pains in his body, fibromyalgia, three heart attacks, and one stroke, and has been using a sleep apnea device since 2012.

After 25 years of diligently following the medications and surgeries prescribed to him, his long-term doctors informed him in mid-May 2019 that they could no longer do anything for him. By this point, his body had deteriorated significantly.

He could no longer walk well. His vision was only 30% after two failed eye operations. Using two crutches, he could move a maximum of 100 meters before losing balance and falling over due to the pain. He had been suffering from chronic fatigue for at least 30 years, dragging himself through each day.

His wife, his caregiver for many years, juggled her job in childcare with an unpaid "job" as a nurse, driver, cook, cleaning lady, gardener, and chef, leaving her little time in her busy, hectic life.

Kristo was told to get comfortable in a scooter for disabled people and a wheelchair because that was going to be his life going forward. Their world fell apart - until a friend introduced him to our program.

See the new man! Kristo’s journey from chronic fatigue and debilitating pain to renewed vitality is just one example of how our program is helping many people get their lives back holistically, without medications and surgeries.

We are looking to talk to 60 men and women, especially those over 50, who have health problems and are serious about finding a proper solution.

Your insights will help us build a program tailored to your needs. Participants will be rewarded with a 10% discount when the program launches. It provides transformative results, by the way.

Interested? YES or NO?

Comment below if you want to participate!


#ChronicFatigue #ChronicIllness #ChronicDailyHeadache #ChronicLungDisease #ChronicPain #chronic #ChronicLungDisease #ChronicInflammatoryResponseSyndrome #ChronicPancreatitis #ChronicTraumaticEncephalopathy #ChronicObstructivePulmonaryDisease #ChronicOrthostaticIntolerance #ChronicVestibularMigraine #MentalHealth #Addiction #chronic #Anxiety #Arthritis #BackPain #CeliacDisease #CommonVariableImmuneDeficiency #ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome #Eczema #EosinophilicEsophagitis #HashimotosThyroiditis #ChronicLymphocyticLeukemia #HashimotosThyroiditis #InflammatoryBowelDiseaseIBD #InterstitialCystitis #IrritableBowelSyndromeIBS

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I'm new here!

Hi, my name is PencilArtist. I'm here because I suffer from depression and anxiety for a life time. It all has increased due to being a caregiver to my wife, who had a stroke New Years day 2021 which is a huge challenge. I am an artist and keeps me from being creative which is not good at all. My art can be my escape.

#MightyTogether #Anxiety #Depression

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Medical trauma can leave you feeling voiceless.

You didn’t choose the earth-shattering diagnoses – you had a stroke, you have cancer, you need an amputation – you could die. Medical personnel speak in their terminology, and you feel lost. Suddenly, you don’t seem to understand the meaning of common words, and the world becomes an overwhelming, too-loud place.

Read the article -

#DrBarbaraLouw #AquillaWellnessSolutions #Blog #healingjourney #inmyrosegarden #counselling #Cancer #BreastCancer #cancerinspiration #cancerrecovery #reconstruction #Recovery #Trauma #Trauma #recoverymotivation #Support #Amputation #Stroke #Mastectomy #FightCancer #kanker #cancersurvivor #cancerwarrior #cancerthriver #CancerFree #Support

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Managing Your Experience of Medical Trauma Step 1

No pain is insignificant. Suffering is universal.

Many people are too quick to say that "no matter what you are going through, someone has it worse" or "there is always someone with bigger problems". It is emotionally dismissive and conveys the message that your struggle is insignificant and that you are concern is, how is the situation affecting you? Full article:

#DrBarbaraLouw #AquillaWellnessSolutions #Blog #healingjourney #inmyrosegarden #counselling #Cancer #BreastCancer #cancerinspiration #cancerrecovery #reconstruction #Recovery #Trauma #Trauma #recoverymotivation #Support #Amputation #Stroke #Mastectomy #FightCancer #kanker #cancersurvivor #cancerwarrior #cancerthriver #CancerFree #Support

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