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What would you like your therapist to know about working with parents of kids with special needs #Therapy #Therapist

I'm a therapist and mom to kids with special needs. I'm preparing a training for therapists on the trauma that many parents experience and the unique needs we come in with.  I would love to hear what you wish they knew or did.  If you've had a particularly impactful experience with a therapist, I would love to hear about that too.
#parentingkidswithdisabilities #MightyMoms

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My emotions are all over the place #CheerMeOn

Today my daughter with #DownSyndrome finished elementary school. I’ve been in the brink of tears several times. How did this happen so fast? I watched as my daughter hugged her friends goodbye. The type of hug that says “You are my fiend and I love you.” The type of hug that melts into you and you never want it to stop. Some of her friends will go to another middle school, and that makes us very sad. I cannot believe she is done with grade school. I’m not ready to move on. Middle school is another beast, and I worry about friendships, I worry about making the right choices when it comes to inclusion because everything is changing. I’m fighting tears while I’m celebrating this milestone. #parentingkidswithdisabilities #Disability


Who has helped you with something small that made a big difference?

I've had fiends help me with laundry. I haven't asked, they just noticed and did something about it. One friend even started texting me to remind me to put clothes in the washer, then she'd text me to put the load in the dryer, then she'd show up to fold and put away. I think that small gesture more than anything reminded me someone cared about me, and that was the greatest gift of all -- to feel I was not alone. #Parenting #MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #RareDisease #notalone #parentingkidswithdisabilities #ChronicPain


Hey parents, how is your mental health? #CheckInWithMe

Parenting is a tough job, and when we put our kids first all the time, we tend to neglect ourselves (I know I do). I do anything for my kids, but it is harder to make myself a priority. My anxiety has been pretty high lately and I've had trouble sleeping. How about you? How are you doing? #MentalHealth #Depression #Anxiety #Parenting #ChronicIllness #RareDisease #RareDiseaseParenting #parentingkidswithdisabilities


What chore is hard for you to "get done" due to your many responsibilities as a parent?

For me it is having dinner ready. I wish there was a "food fairy" who magically prepared healthy meals for my family.
#Parenting #mightyparents #parentingkidswithdisabilities


I am not sad my daughter has #DownSyndrome

When people find out my daughter has Down syndrome, many are unsure how to respond. "I'm sorry" is something we have heard since the time she was born. We are not sorry. We are not sad.

My daughter with Down syndrome is the light in my life, the joy in my days, the love in my heart.

She has made me into who I am today.

I wouldn't change a single chromosome in her (although I do know she wishes she was taller).

She is love. She is my life.

No sadness here.

#Parenting #parentingkidswithdisabilities #DownSyndrome


How is your summer going with the kids? #Parenting

With the lack of routine summer can be chaos for us. Today we started ESY and I had a happy kid to go back to school. It is only for 3 weeks, but she is ready for more structure. How about you? How is your summer going with the kids?



How do you handle unwanted advice/opinions about your child?

I've never had much of a problem with it until lately. All of a sudden people are experts on my child's condition and ignore me when I try to correct them. How do you handle it? Educate them? Ignore it and move on?
#parentingkidswithdisabilities #Disability #Parenting #RareDisease


You are enough #parentingkidswithdisabilities #Parenting

You don’t have to fix your children, you do what you can. You don’t need to put more pressure on yourself, you don’t need to be super mom or super dad. Because what really matters is that you never stop loving. And you love fiercely, deeply. God validates your life, your efforts, your tenacity to do the best you can. He gives you His stamp of approval.

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