Do you have a question for a kidney stone expert?
We know how important it is to have access to advice, resources and insights from medical professionals (especially when navigating a scary or mysterious part of your health journey) — which is why we want to help you facilitate those conversations!
In the comments below, we’ll collect questions from this group and pose them to a trained medical professional. We will try and get as many of your questions answered as possible! Once we have the information (it may take us a little while, but we’re totally on it), we will share them as a post within this group. Keep a look out! 👀
🤔 What makes a good question you ask? One that has broad appeal. As opposed to asking about your very specific health experiences, comment with a question that may apply to a lot of people. Those are the ones more likely to get answered by an expert, and they are more likely to help a larger number of Mighties!
🏥 P.S. If you need timely or more urgent medical advice, we recommend you make an appointment with your current provider.
#KidneyStones #KidneyDisease #PH1 #ChronicIllness #AskMe #MightyTogether