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I think it's a great idea to talk openly and unashamedly about psychosis and our experience of it as a lot of the time people who struggle would rather do so in silence and prefer to live in that unwarranted shame for whatever reason; internalised stigma is one of the most prevalent in psychotic disorders if not the most. #Psychosis #Schizophrenia #SchizoaffectiveDisorder #PsychoticDisorder #MentalHealthStigma #EndTheStigma

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Is this manipulative or am I thinking too much?

I am in hospital after overdosing on my psychiatric medicines. It was because of a few events that upsets me, and I got triggered after I try to seek console from my mother and she reply coldly that she cannot do anything to help me. I think she was upset with me because I bring up a mistake that she made but she insist that she didn’t do anything wrong. Usually she would visit me at the hospital. Today my father and younger sister are all free from work, my mother is a housewife. But they went out together and even dine at a restaurant. They posted photos of themselves in the family WhatsApp group. They did not visit me or even give me a text. Yes we live together and they are all aware I’m in hospital. I have a feeling my mother put them up to it because my father and younger sister always listens to her. Is this manipulation? Or am I overthinking?

I try to ignore it but I still cried. Thoughts of harming myself comes to my mind because I’m upset. They always come to me when they need help. I was also always generous in spending money on them.

Is kinship really such fragile and meaningless?

#Depression #anxiety #socialanxiety#anxietydisorder #socialanxietydisorder #dependentpersonalitydisorder #paranoidpersonalitydisorder #avoidantpersonalitydisorder #borderlinepersonalitydisorder #psychosis #psychoticdisorder #delusionaldisorder #autismspectrumdisorder #mentalhealth #selfcare #memes

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People Anger. People Angels.

I’ve been feeling very angry at people. Some people say they’re just saying the ‘truth’ but honestly, that’s your perspective of what is the truth, nobody exactly knows everything, you don’t either, and we all know that you just feel free to express your whatever ‘facts’ because you know you can’t be held liable for them when things goes wrong. Some people make others upset, and when the victims express that they’re upset, people turn around and question them about why they create dramas and preach about letting go and moving on, like why don’t you move on from my ‘drama’ then? Sometimes I just wish these people can just stay away from me, go hang out with people like themselves, they can suffer at each other’s hands, that’s the perfect ending for them.

But then there are these people… Those of you, who are simply Angels! No words can express how much I appreciate your existence! Thank you for all you have done, and not done! If you meet such people, you’re really lucky, please treat them well!

#depression #anxiety #socialanxiety#anxietydisorder #socialanxietydisorder #dependentpersonalitydisorder #paranoidpersonalitydisorder #avoidantpersonalitydisorder #borderlinepersonalitydisorder #psychosis #psychoticdisorder #delusionaldisorder #autismspectrumdisorder #mentalhealth #selfcare #memes


Low self-esteem or real inadequacy?

Last night I called a helpline to talk, because I was crying too much. I told her I feel that I am born inadequate to live in this world. She immediately rephrased it as “low self-esteem”. When I was a small child, I had Asthma and some heart problem, and always need to be admitted in the hospital. I’m not sure what it is called, but in layman term, the doctor said there’s a hole in my heart, and my heartbeat sound different from the normal people. And suddenly I grew up, and I don’t need to go to hospital anymore, I’m not sure if it was cured or not. But I feel that it was a hint, a hint that I am not born suitable for this world. I don’t want to go through all the ‘sufferings’ that people say are ‘part of life’. If life is as such, then I don’t want life all together, there’s no point. I’m just thinking, how do you differentiate low self-esteem and real inadequacy? What if I’m really inadequate for life?

#Depression #anxiety #socialanxiety#anxietydisorder #socialanxietydisorder #dependentpersonalitydisorder #paranoidpersonalitydisorder #avoidantpersonalitydisorder #borderlinepersonalitydisorder #psychosis #psychoticdisorder #delusionaldisorder #autismspectrumdisorder #mentalhealth #selfcare #memes


A nightmare

Had a nightmare: A bunch of doctors are going to open my skull and do some brain surgery. They gave me something to sleep but I couldn’t sleep. I heard the sound of the saw cutting into my skull, but I don’t feel the pain.

Been having a lot of nightmares recently.

#depression #anxiety #socialanxiety#anxietydisorder #socialanxietydisorder #dependentpersonalitydisorder #paranoidpersonalitydisorder #avoidantpersonalitydisorder #borderlinepersonalitydisorder #psychosis #psychoticdisorder #delusionaldisorder #autismspectrumdisorder #mentalhealth #selfcare #memes