Fired my psychiatrist #Depression #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #PTSD
2 wks ago my therapist wanted me to get on Klonopin to calm my thoughts cause my beta blocker wasn’t working. So I called my psychiatrist and scheduled an appointment. Well, that went over like a lead balloon 🎈. She was only going to give me 2wks worth. I asked will it be 2 wks worth every month she said no. 2 wks worth isn’t going to be enough. Beta blockers should not be prescribed to anyone who has asthma. So, I made a appointment with a Nurse Psych practitioner at the place where I wanted to in the first place. This place I love because the psychiatrist helped me so much with my postpartum depression and anxiety. She ended up giving me gabapetin. I looked that up and it says cause significant weight gain. No way Jose! I’m keeping my weight off since I have been walking. I have been the same weight this whole time. Caplyta helped me loose weight besides my walks.