I lost my account
I got locked out of my old email so had to make a new account..
A few days without the mighty left me feeling really alone and disconnected, which left me with the realisation that my friends and the mighty community are actually really important to me at this stage in my life..
that this place is in fact the only support network I have in my life atm.
Yes I have a therapist but that is only likely to be short term.
I had to flee my home city so friends and family are all 100's of miles away, so physical support is not a thing in my life right now, with my #Fibromyaliga it can be a struggle!
I'm in the process of reporting ritualistic abuse I lived through as a child, it's not easy especially without a support network.
I'm coping but living in a homeless shelter full of drug addicts, where I have to be alone in my room all the time is an extra pressure that is getting to me!
I'm so glad that I have the mighty!
#PTSD #CPTSD #BipolarDepression #MeToo #coping #Survivor #AbuseSurvivors #reportingabuse