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Is there anyone out there? #obsessivethoughts #ruminating

Can’t seem to stop recurring thoughts. I just want to turn my brain off. Can’t deal with conflicts and when I go over my contacts’ list, I don’t seem to find anyone I want to talk to. I just need someone to tell me things are going to be ok, that was I said and did was valid.


How long should i give my brothers mood stabilizer medication to start working?

My brother is taking new medication for about 4 days now and i know usually it takes 2 to 4 weeks to kick in. i know everyone is different but i feel like his mood has been worse. He's more agitated and slightly more depressed. He's been making comments almost everyday saying that he feels scared that he's going to do something to himself. I pointed out to him that i've noticed his mood seems worse. He is telling our dad right now that he's scared that his brain is going to shut down. He got agitated talking to our dad and went to his room but kinda hit the wall saying "i can't do this"
He's severely #depressed #axiety #RacingThoughts #ruminating #OCD and we think he has Generalized anxiety #GAD

I told him today i think he needs to stop taking the new medication cause it's made his attitude severly worse


Back Again

So here we are back again at the depressive episode rotation of the bipolar II merry-go-round... I could feel myself slipping and all I could do is hold on tight to the edge hoping not to fall any lower that I already am... My inability to get out of bed was a sign, my loss of appetite another, my numbness, depersonalization and derealization, all of them, signs. I just thought I would be able to hold it back from having me hopeless, but I guess I'm not that strong. #BipolarDisorder #Depression #ruminating #Crying #Lows #SpiralingDown


What is the point? #ruminating #purposeinlife

Anyone else feel like they have all the reasons to be happy, yet they're not? Anyone feel as if they're going through life's motions and missing out on the best part of it? Is it a lack of purpose, of passion? And how does one reclaim this purpose?


What is the point? #ruminating #purposeinlife

Anyone else feel like they have all the reasons to be happy, yet they're not? Anyone feel as if they're going through life's motions and missing out on the best part of it? Is it a lack of purpose, of passion? And how does one reclaim this purpose?


#Anxiety #ruminating #Bipolar2Disorder #BipolarDepression

going through a divorce. hardest battle I've had to face. I overthink and overthink about it all. how it was, where I went wrong...him. how he's doing well and doesn't even love me anymore...I start feeling worthless of love and happiness. I just keep thinking! I don't want to, it hurts too much!!

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Is there such a thing as an #ADHD episode? My psych thinks I may have it but I feel like my smptoms fluctuate/don’t always apply. Thoughts?

#ADHD #HighlysensitivePerson #Depression #AdultDiagnosis #ruminating #CheckInWithMe


Feeling Inadequate

Today I'm low, really down. I have a few chores, chores that on my up day, I'd breeze through. Now it feels like I'm moving a mountain. I'm so exhausted, it feels like there's a 100 tonne load on my back... I feel like I'm lying to myself, and I'm just being lazy... I feel so guilty that I'm not doing enough. #BipolarDisorder #Depression #ruminating #Crying #Lows