#safetalk #MentalHealth #SuicideLossSurvivors ~ If all we need is one person to help start this conversation within our society, who would it be?
#SuicidalThoughts #Suicide #Depression #Anxiety #PTSD #CPTSD #CheckInWithMe
I've always felt like the word suicide was put into a box, with walls in it and all these walls, the stigma, and it has left all of my grief within this box.
If there a visual I can share about how I feel about this box, is that if we can start somewhere and work our way around it, it may open up so many conversations.
I'll start with the audience first. The audience: the ones who are willing to listen about suicide, maybe they can help collect information from a variety of ways (think outside the box) and disperse it to the right people, or maybe they're there to support it and spread the word.
~ The audience is the heart and sole of creating healthy ways to help communicate with all of us, without judgement and loving support. ~
The one's who lost: a parent, sibling, friend, co-worker, classmate, etc. to suicide are left with unanswered questions. Each person has their own story, as I've lost my dad, and two siblings and several others to suicide. What if we were able to have these people write their story and/or ask questions that we would be able to pass those same questions onto those who have attempted and/or still struggle with these thoughts?
This is why I started with this box first, because they would be the ones who would get something going. Maybe they could write what they wanted to their lost loved on just to help pass it on to someone who needs it.
~ Having the audience go through these questions/stories/notes and pass them onto those who have attempted and/or struggle, that maybe would like to receive it from someone else. ~
I've had over 30 years of the stigma of suicide, since the age of nine. This box. It felt like I put it on a shelf, look at it, cry, and leave it there. I've attempted 15 times and I'm still here. It's been over 3 years since my last two attempts, and I finally opened up, after I lost my brother and got the help I need.
~ When I suggest about these sorts of questions/stories/notes, are because they might have an answer that the audience can help with sharing in more ways than one, to society itself. ~
Our stories are a breath of life. Our questions are valid. Our notes can be sincere or who knows? Does it have to be this way? Are we limited to what I just wrote and shared my thoughts and questions? It's a sincere start and I hope that whoever the audience is out there: a counselor, a therapist, teacher, pastor... are we limited to who the audience is? How can we expand to those who are willing to help? How many more questions do we need? Are we asking the right ones? How can we help more? Can you share what you do to help?
Thank you kindly, for reading this. 💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜