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Sentiment-The Small Things

As an abuse survivor, I've learned that it's the little things in life that hold the most value. For example, I have a bracelet with a butterfly charm on it. The butterfly holds a lot of sentimental value because it was from my fiancé and it is a reminder to not #Selfharm . I used to harm myself via cutting but now I no longer do that. Something as little as a charm holds so much meaning. It's the little things that remind me that life is worth living. I used to deal with #SuicidalIdeation and even attempted to overdose but now I have a loving family that I can call my own. I am finally safe and do not have to worry about further abuse. Sure I still have a lot of healing to do but I have also made a lot of progress. It's the memories that I've made with my family that bring me the most joy. My fiancé and I could be doing nothing and we are content together. Just enjoying each other's company. Going for walks or baking, celebrating the holidays even if we do not do much. It is these things that remind me that everything is and will be okay. Today my #PTSD got triggered and I cried but then I started thinking about all the positives in my life and I felt a little better. I accept that I am not fully healed and will have days where memories of the trauma and abuse still get to me. I can look at the little things and be happy. It does not have to be something big to make you happy. What is something that holds a lot of meaning for you?

#Abuse #PTSD #BipolarDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Selfharm #Suicide #Joy #Motivation #thankful #Trauma #sentiment #Inspiration #abusesurvivor #checkin

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@takeamightyminute #takeamightyminute #trinkets #Pets #sentiment

I'd include a set of trinkets I've held onto for like ever, & a claw/nail along with a knot of fur from my now deceased, beloved, maincoone mix cat,Zimba, that I've been saving, as well.😸