Much love to you MIGHTIES!!!!!
Wow! Suddenly everything makes sense: I’m progressing (abit😀😅) on forming healthy self-care habits using the ‘piggie back” method; I know in my heart that being part of our community gives me strength to #dothenextrightthing for myself. You guys are all beyond awesome (admit it, you know you are😀) There are heavy family issues going on right now but I am peaceful knowing I have to flex my lovely #Bipolar1 brain into a healthy positive frame( other people are freaking out😂) Yep! All you guys are helping me upward on my journey. There is strength in our sharing! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!! #Bipolar1 #Depression #GAD #ADD #ADHD #substanceabusedisorder #EmotionalAbuse #PsychologicalAbuse #physicalabuse #PTSD