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Bed pull up ladders

Has anyone any ideas on what I could use to pull my self upright when lying flat all the bed pull ups you can buy do not say ligature proof I have chronic sucidality among other things and osteo arthritis with hip pain these ladder designers don't seem to think that you could have physical issues but need to protect your mental safety as well at moment are using folded into a roll a bathsheet any ideas would be greatly appreciated that I could try to pull myself up#Pain #SucidePrevention #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #sucide awareness

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I will never truly know the impact. #SucidePrevention

I was 11 when I tried to hang myself. It's been a long road since then. Thinking back I can never fully explain why I tried. Maybe it was the isolation of living in a small town, or maybe a result from a head injury that occurred when I was 7 or 8.

The point is. Plain and simple. There is life within this life even if we think death is a way out. To anyone that has considered this, we are the survivors. There are many thay have not come out of that suicidal struggle with a heart beating to a knew walk of life. I have children now. The same age of when I tried. God only knows move for them and the ability I have now to show that love every single day to them. Maybe that's what life is all about anyway. It's never about you and your struggles. It's about the strength you simply are in someone else's life. Our lives are for each other and that is what enriches us. Sadly, I have known other's in my life that chose that path. It is only my deepest well wishes that I wish them well in their spiritual journey.

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Acceptance & Inclusivity

Dear Y,

You might know me as X, a person you can rely on, a person you know what to expect from, a person whom you care and love for.

I am that person but from time to time I am unwell, especially when life is really difficult. When I'm seriously ill I don't always realize and I don't behave as X. That's to be expected, please if you think I'm having trouble let me know. I try to manage that as best I can, I get therapy, medication and I take time out to recover. Unfortunately though there may be periods when I really am very ill and I may even be hospitalized.

I've accepted my illness and I'm sorry if I hurt you or if you are/were upset with me. when I'm unwell I'm not always in control of the things I say or do and I don't mean to hurt you. I appreciate you in my life and I hope you can treat me like X and consider that I do have an illness.

When I am ill I appreciate your help. Please consider that the best treatment someone can give is love, inclusivity and understanding which makes me feel accepted and able to move forward with my life. I realize I may have hurt you, I am sorry, please forgive me.

Love X

I believe people from the LGBTIQA+ community know that to be accepted and loved by the community at large is the best treatment people can offer. I'm not sure coming out as "Mentally ill" has been accepted by society yet, but I think it totally should be.

To reduce the negative consequences of mental illness society should be be part of the treatment plan and I believe the acceptance of LGBTIQA+ community is a good example of that.

"The best people in life are free" and my psychologist, Doctor and psychiatrist charge the government instead of me. I read online that people overseas pay for all of there treatment and I must imagine it must be beyond hard. I wrote this for me, my friends and for anyone else that might like to request a little free treatment.

#BipolarDepression #Acceptance   #SucidePrevention

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Lost a dear friend/kindred spirit and a dear soul to this.....please support and help anyone that you can so we can stop suicide. Thank you. #SucidePrevention #Sucideawareness #SuicidalThoughts

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#SucidePrevention #Depression

Just went through a period of days where the suicidal thoughts were all I could think. They crowded my brain. Happy to say that today I feel so much better. Everyday is a chance to begin anew. Keep going. You got this.


WTF do I do?

Yesterday I left work because I was having a major panic attack. I’ve had them before but nothing to this degree. I couldn’t fully enunciate when I tried calling my manager to take me to the hospital. I couldn’t fully extend my hands and I definitely was hyperventilating (I always do though) but my hands and face were so tingly and numb. It took forever in the ER to be able to breath calmly and relax. Part of my panic attack stemmed from suicidal thoughts. The ER checked my breathing and released me because I felt safe. I do but I don’t. The last time I attempted I didn’t have a plan, I just woke up and was tired of feeling numb. I live in a small town so getting help is kinda hard and I just really need to be on medication again. My girlfriend tried calling the place where I see my therapist, it’s a mental health service place and told them I went to the ER and I’ve been having suicidal thoughts and they said I’d be able to go there but only to talk to on call nurse to come with a plan. We also tried calling the clinic and they said they’d call back but I should go to the ER if it gets really bad but I don’t have a doctor established so it might be a month to see someone. #Anxiety #SucidePrevention #Medication

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Trying to survive

I suffer from complex post traumatic stress disorder borderline personality disorder schizoaffective disorder anxiety panic attacks depression I’m a self harmer and I’m chronic high risk of suicide they say
I was abused in every way as a child and I’m trying to find a way to recover and part of my therapy is I have to blog parts of my life my thoughts things I can identify I’m feeling what’s going on in my brain in hopes to connect with people going through things like me and hopefully help others realise their not alone out there this is my blog please feel free to go read it’s raw and real be aware #CPTSD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #SchizoaffectiveDisorder #Depression #Anxiety #PanicAttack #Selfharm #SucidePrevention #ChildAbuse #RapeSurvivors

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All my life, my mother has expressed how she loves me ! TBH she is my biggest bully. No matter what I love her but, I'm scared to tell her that the things she says to me make me want to hurt myself. How should I tell her, what she is doing isn't right ?

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