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I just left the ER...I have done a first...I have sprained my throat/neck. I was napping and my pillow moved just right and my neck hyper-extended in such a manner that I woke up with a sharp pain in my throat (front of neck). The sharp pain quickly subsided but the ache is so intense. Swallowing food is quite painful too! So finally after 24 hours I hauled myself into the ER...for a sprain...will heal in 3-5 weeks. #ChronicPain #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #williteverstop #Tomorrowisanewday

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Keep Trying

• I can’t promise tomorrow will be better but I promise if you keep trying, I’ll be right here by your side.•

“Sammy’s Self-love Journey”
•Day 26:


•Today, Sammy receives some guidance from their future self.
I was really close to writing something along the lines of “I promise tomorrow will be better”...but over the past few years I’ve tried to not be one of those people who forces positive thinking, mostly because it just doesn’t work. 🤷🏻‍♀️
That’s why I really like the quote: “it doesn’t get better, you get better”.
I prefer this way of thinking because it doesn’t promise that tomorrow will be better than it was today, but you won’t know for sure unless you keep trying.

#Art #Drawing #Tomorrowisanewday

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Who has your back? #Depression #PTSD #Anxiety #Faith

I will not be afraid of tomorrow, not because I am strong and fearless but rather because of who is behind me. God has my back and that is way cool.

#Suicide #Hope #Trust #Tomorrowisanewday


Old coping mechanisms that are beneficial anymore

If you’ve experienced trauma and are here today then you used coping mechanisms to get through that awful time. These may not be beneficial anymore. I use to hide in my room for days at a time. My room was the place I felt safest. I missed lots of school but always had great grades so I got through it. Then it was time for college.. missing lectures isn’t as easy to get caught up on. I found myself panicking due to the fact that my coping mechanism id used for so many years is no longer a practical tool. I wanted to give up. Knowing that if I didn’t find other ways that I would have let my mental illness win. I am stubborn so that was not going to happen. It took everything I had but I made an appointment with a therapist. Today, four years later, i have learned new coping strategies but when things get tough I tend to revert to hiding. I’m just more aware of it now. One day at a time. Keep going! #CopingMechanism #keepgoing #Tomorrowisanewday