The most amazing thing I see in myself and others with chronic pain like CRPS is our courage to do all we do, knowing the firestorm of relentless pain and suffering that awaits us day in and day out.
Yet, we still get up every morning, tip our cap to the hellish pain and despair that awaits, and accomplish all we can; we put on a brave face and struggle with a smile everywhere we go. We still ask ourselves if going out tonight is worth the few days it will take to recover. But to feel normal, if only for one night, is worth the price of admission.
While most are scared to fail, crippled by it even, we march on, failing hundreds of times for every accomplishment we can muster. Yet, here we are, continually beating ourselves up for all the things we can't/ failed to do and not patting ourselves on the back for the courage it takes to do what we do.
Instead of seeing the beauty and scarcity that kind of courage requires, all we see is our inadequacy. So, we strive for perfection constantly in our lives, not because we want to be but because we feel like anything less is admitting we are flawed. Flawed by something we don't understand, flawed by something we didn't cause nor ask for, yet flawed non-less.
We're tired of feeling inadequate, judged, doubted, and misunderstood; I know I am. And want to be seen for who we are and aspire to be, not what we suffer from.
Although we can only acknowledge our true strength, endless courage, and untapped potential when we realize, accept, and move past the illusions we hold. There is a purpose in our pain; let's identify it and help one another realize its potential together.
#ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome #Anxiety #RSD #PTSD #Anxiety #Depression #TransverseMyelitis #ChronicPain