I am nearly underlining every single line in this book!! What an amazing and informative read. I’ve only read chapter 1 and 5 but I seriously feel so validated!!! I have new words to put to my experiences like “Emotional Flashback” and “Toxic Shame.”

I found this book as a response from some comments in The Mighty and, though I can’t recall who mentioned this book, I want you to know that I ordered it and I am SO GRATEFUL. It’s a terrific expository review of childhood neglect and emotional abuse. I cannot put the book down and I’ve already shared it with several friends and my two siblings. I just HAD to share it with The Mighty! 🥰💖🤩🤩🤩

#CPTSD #BPD #MDD #SocialAnxiety #triggers #TraumaTriggers #Flashbacks #copingskills #Childhoodneglect #Agoraphobia #SocialPhobia #FailureToThrive #abandonment