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I made it to con safely

I've been hanging out with flutters husband and mama dragon for 3 hours. I did a really dumb thing when I got here...

My suitcase is probably about 50lbs. I decided not to use the elevator...I carried my suitcase up 2 flights of stairs to find my girlfriend. When I got there I couldn't breathe and my back was trashed. I took my Norco about 15 minutes ago.

I'm up way past my bedtime. I haven't taken my night meds yet cuz I wanted to see my people. I've got lots to do tomorrow. But my first day at con starts at 10 am.

Wanna hear something funny? When I was on the plane it dawned on me...I forgot to pack pants. I've got one pair of jersey shorts and one pair of yoga shorts. Whoops.

I drank 2 drinks and ate a cookie at the airport. My BG is super high.

#Funtimes #Diabetes #Vacation

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My laundry got picked up after 1pm yesterday and apparently they didn't wash it yet. I just got a text saying they're out of power and it might not be till tomorrow morning. I'm panicking. I leave at 2pm tomorrow. I need comfort. I'm gonna have my caregiver make a pot of coffee. I gotta finish my bottle of juice first though.


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Today is starting crappy

Now I remember why I stopped taking linzess.

Anywho. I'm sending out my laundry today. I'll finish packing tomorrow night. I gotta figure out what clothes I need. The laundry will be brought back tomorrow morning. And my caregiver needs to pack my meds. But she won't be home until tomorrow morning. I was gonna make salmon for dinner tonight. That's 2 nights in a row that I couldn't make dinner. I guess I can make the salmon and just eat the whole thing. She wouldn't care.

#Vacation #Caregiving

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Vacation or Hellcation

If you have a mental illness or poor mental health, going on vacation may not be fun for you. The vacation can become a hellcation if you do not do the right things to manage your mental health. Watch this short YouTube video on how to juggle your mental health and have a great time relaxing and enjoying your family and friends.

#MentalHealthAwarenessMonth #Vacation #MentalHealth

Vacationing with Your Mental Health

As someone with a mental illness, I found it difficult to go on vacations. In this short video, I discuss ways you can go on vacation and still have healthy...
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I did it #Travel #Vacation

I did it. I went on my trip. It didn't all work out as I had envisioned, but it went quite smoothly and I think it was a good risk. I struggled a lot with the food choices, so mealtimes always brought some anxiety, but it was nice to be in a bubble for a few days, often without phone or internet signals. I was able to have conversations with other travelers, and since they were fairly brief I didn't feel too uncomfortable or pushed to share anything too personal.

This was my first time traveling in 3 years, since I had to leave my masters program in Finland due to rapidly declining mental health. I am definitely in a better place than I was then, and since Covid made everyone's worlds become much smaller I wasn't the only one with little to show for the past few years.

The vacation did bring up a few things:
1) I have to get out of this city/region. Living here just makes my anxiety worse because of fear that I might unexpectedly run into my ex one day.

2) I don't like my job. I haven't let myself even think in such a definitive way about my job before this trip, but now I am sure. I need to find a new job.

3) I have a habit of "mirroring" people. If someone struck up a conversation with me on the trip, I caught myself watching them for cues about what to talk about, what emotions to express, and when to leave the conversation. It was very hard for me to end the conversation on my own, even if I had to go to the bathroom or needed to move on to the next event. I've been talking about boundaries with my therapist lately and I think this is connected.

4) Although this trip was a big change in my routine and represented a big step forward, I am still not ready to fully re-engage in life. I need a safe bubble of people, routines, and work. I'm not sure how to create that with simultaneously needing to move and change my job, but I know I need to.

I got back home yesterday and fell into bed. It's been nearly 24 hours and I have mostly been just lying in bed or sleeping. I have the impulse to do things like deep clean my apartment, but I just keep lying there. I was able to get some long overdue things done before the trip because of the deadline, but now it feels like I am just going to slide back into the muck and mire of life here.

In the end, I'm glad I took the trip and had some time off work. I'm glad it didn't result in any panic attacks. I'm glad I was able to interact with strangers in a way that felt safe. I'm glad that I didn't just stay home in my apartment for a week.

#MentalHealth #Depression #Anxiety #narcissisticabusesurvivor #Winter #Vacation #goals

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I'm thinking of taking a trip

After living in six different countries, I have been back in my home country since December 2019. My #Anxiety and #Depression got so bad that I felt I had no choice but to come back here. I had to give up on my masters degree and my career aspirations. I lost the capacity to enjoy or be curious about new people and places because of how my #MentalHealth was deteriorating. For the past couple years, I've been trying to access mental health #treatment with really not much to show for it.
But, I am thinking of taking a trip. It is still within my country, it would be for just 5 days, and it wouldn't have to involve a lot of socializing. It's more expensive than I would normally go for, but if it helps me have a #Breakthrough then maybe it is worth it.
My trip is tentatively planned for January, but I will have to make some phone calls and do some planning about work duties. I'm feeling anxious. I'm feeling worried that my mood will crash (Nov-Jan is the worst time of year for me), and I might not even make it on the trip at all. I am also feeling a bit excited, which I haven't felt for a very long time.
#Travel #Vacation #DistractMe

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My Re-Charge

My Vacation.

i went to the pacific northwest

on train

for a week had Quailty Time

with my brother, And had fun

and a mental battery charge

it was overdue'#Vacation #ADHD



Being depressed when you’re supposed to be happy. #SuicidalIdeation #Vacation

Has anyone else had extreme suicidal thoughts while on vacation? My depression is sometimes worse on days that I’m ‘supposed to be happy’ just because I’m in a beautiful place. My depression is relentless and doesn’t care if I’ve planned a fun day or trip. Having intrusive thoughts about when and where to die by suicide while on vacation have ripped through my mind all day. The safest thing I could do today was stay in bed all day, and just ride the wave of letting my mental health ruin the day.


Mom Guilt OnOur First Family Vacation

Since I started working, we have finally been having enough money to come in to just not be able to pay bills. So imagine my excitement when I planned my kids first trip ever to Sea World.

I suffer from depression, anxiety, ADHD, and Bipolar (all diagnosed) so I had been making sure I was taking my meds accordingly so nothing ruined our first vacation.

I had a full proof plan and schedule to fit as much “fun” in as possible. Interacting with the sting rays, dolphin show, orcha show, sea lion show, shark tour….

But my anxiety took over. I felt like we were rushing the whole time barely getting time to have any fun.

As much as I looked forward to the trip by the end of the day I was so exhausted from trying to make it perfect I was ready for it to be over and didn’t get to really enjoy their first time.

Has anyone else ever had this problem? How do you recover from feeling like you ruined your vacation?

#MomGuilt #Vacation #Family