Wonder Woman

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Learning to foster Patience

As I sit here thinking about instant gratification and how it's always been to my detriment. I've opted to embrace patience. Chronic mental illness and physical issues make committing to school difficult let alone a job yet I feel trapped by my own circumstance. Therefore, instead of wallowing and jumping into something too quickly I am going to start volunteering at my local peer wellness center to give back , build experience and dedication by taking on one four hour shift at my local center following training next Tuesday. I will treat it like a job. It's my way of giving back and preparing for enrolloing in school next spring in whatever seems fitting for my strengths and where I can outshine my weaknesses. I am going to take things slow as to not disappoint myself or others.this is food for thought for me as I think it will be withstanding whatever pressures come my way. Who knows what might unfold? I'm staying positive. #secondchances #schizoaffective #DisorderedEating #PanicDisorder #Depression #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #Fibromyalgia #institutionilizationsurvivor #WonderWoman

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Inner #WonderWoman

Dressing up as whoever the heck i want to on a random weekday as a 38 year old therapist may seem silly. But to me it is empowerment. On days im too anxious or depressed to be regular ole Stephanie, a quick wardrobe change and I have the confidence of wonder woman or the grace and poise of my favorite singer if I have to preform in front of an audience. It may be placebo effect but by gosh. It works for me!! 💫

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Just being realistic #WonderWoman #ChronicPain

When going thru physical therapy after my stroke at 26. My mother in law gave me a wonder woman bracelet. To remind me of my own womanly strength. So this made me laugh and think of that story. I still wear it when I need a boost of confidence. #iamwonderwoman

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Appreciation post! The strongest girl I know! Just over 4 years ago she made me a Dad! Prior to that had been through a pregnancy which included about 30 hospital visits with hyperemesis, loss of baby movement, loss of amniotic fluid before bed rest from 25 weeks! Fast foward just over 4 years and she’s back in hospital for probably the 10th time since having Nellie! She’s been through 4 years of stomach issues triggered by sepsis from retained placenta with a bout of Post natal depression aswell! 4 years of infections, antibiotics, trying every diet known to man, missed birthdays, christenings, holy communions, parties, large chunks of holidays! She beats herself up daily by thinking she’s a bad mum for not always been able to get out of bed or do things ‘normal’ Mother’s should however is the only girl I’d ever want as Nellie’s mum! Through all of this she manages to be chief organiser of the house, including ordering me pre prepped meals to be delivered to the house whilst she’s in hospital! Long story short just want to say thank you for the sacrifice you’ve made physically and mentally in order for me to become a Dad! You have no idea how inspiring your story will be to Nellie in years to come and she loves you more then you can even imagine ❤️ #Love #Family #PostnatalDepression #ChronicIllness #strength #WonderWoman