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#Autism & #MentalHealth

May is #MentalHealthAwareness month 🙏🏽 just so you know #Autism is NOT a mental illness it’s a neurological disorder! However many autism people LIVE with mental illnesses, remember I said live not suffer! I live with Anxiety, depression, PTSD & dissociative disorder, I’ve had several suicide attempts I may or may not have had these conditions if I wasn’t autistic or not! Suicide , anxiety , depression & many more mental health illnesses are very real! most ppl won’t ask for health in fear of being laughed at, judged, misunderstood and called crazy
Try being understanding
Try being a listening ear
Try kindness
You never know what a person has gone through & possibly still going through
Suicide is not funny
Anxiety is not funny
Depression is not funny
Mental health issues are not funny
Suicide should not be judged
Anxiety should not be judged
Depression should not be judged
Mental health issues should not be judged
If you are struggling you can call the National suicide prevention hotline at 988 🙏🏽
#youarenotalone #MentalHealthAwareness #meantalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #mentalillness #Anxiety #deppresion #PTSD #cptsd #Autistic #actuallyautistic #neurodivergent #wearthepeace #autizzy #neurospicy #blackandautistic #autisticandblack

Sweatshirt by @wearthepeacesupport

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Speaking with Canvas Rebel Magazine #Autism #Autistic #AutismAcceptanceMonth #actuallyautistic

CRM? We often hear about learning lessons – but just as important is unlearning lessons. Have you ever had to unlearn a lesson?
Ayanna- A lesson I had to unlearn was that I was unworthy and that my voice did not matter the backstory is really simple is very common for disabled people feel unseen and unheard and I was told by a professional authority figure when I was a teenager that I wouldn’t get very far or be much in life and I believed her and that stuck with me for a very long time it start to change until I received my autism diagnosis and my self love and worth journey began and I realized not only am I worthy I’m more than worthy

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I’m not a tragedy #AutismAcceptance #Autistic #Autism #actuallyautistic

‘Autism is NOT a TRAGEDY but IGNORANCE is ‘ & yet the ‘autism puzzle pieces’ meaning … let’s talk about it , It was created by Gerald Gasson, a board member for the National Autistic Society. He believed that #Autistic people suffered from a "puz-zling" condition, so they adopted a logo of a puzzle piece with a weeping child, displaying the notion that autism is a TRAGEDY that children suffer from 😒 let’s not forget those autistic children turn into autistic adults 😊
My heart is not a tragedy ❤️
My JOY is not a tragedy 🫶🏽
My Art is not a tragedy 🎨
My books I illustrated, not tragedy’s 😆
My dance is not a tragedy 💃🏽
My soul, spirit and the simple fact that I exist is no tragedy and there’s nothing puzzling about me im PERFECTLY made & so are YOU 🌻💐🌻🦋
Happy #autismacceptancemonth ♾️
#AutismAcceptance #Autistic #Autism #actuallyautistic #autismadvocate #autismadvocay #blackandautistic #blackautisticwomen #autisticwomen #autisticadult #neurodiverse #neurodiversity #neurospicy #autizzy #autismawareness #redinstead

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The beauty in being different feature #actuallyautistic #Autistic #Autism

Reflecting on her formative years, Ayanna shared, "I always sensed my differences but lacked
understanding. I was often perceived as the weird, awkward, black girl,' when in reality, my
struggles stemmed from anxiety and overstimulation. It was only seven years ago that I
received my autism diagnosis, and it was a complete revelation. The lack of representation for
black autistics, particularly black autistic women, inspired me to advocate for greater visibility."

I would love to share this article I was recently highlighted in link is below


Feeling The World Differently

Why might it be that society doesn’t seem to understand enough about autism and how can we change that?

So many groups of people who think, or feel, or behave differently, are readily accepted, understood, and even protected, but often this doesn’t seem to be the same for people who are given the labels attached to brains that divert from the majority neurotype.

There are so many myths and misconceptions leading to a myriad of misunderstandings, that the truth about what autism really is, and really isn’t, is often hidden behind the stereotypes and stigma. The same is true for ADHD, ADD, OCD and all of the different neurological ways of processing.

In the recent documentary about autistic minds, Dr Chris Packham created a digital image of the way that his brain sees and seeks out knowledge. I was excited because it was how I see things, but then he didn’t explain. Dr Camilla Pang, in her book Explaining Humans describes a similar thing, but refers to what she calls tree thinking: the way that her brain and her thoughts flow and grow.

My Sherlock Holmes thing.

I call this my Sherlock Holmes thing - but without the ability to solve crimes. I see and hear and feel and process everything all at once which often causes physical and mental meltdowns.

I know this now, but I have spent over fifty years thinking that I am just awkward or ungrateful or too fussy. There have been occasions where I have presumed that I felt uncomfortable, or unable to cope, because the people didn’t like me, or because of something that I had said or done. And whilst that might have been true, I would often cause an argument or become hysterical so that I could find a reason to leave.

If I had been able to identify what was really happening to me, and if I had been able to explain, then maybe I could have navigated life in a way that wouldn’t have left me feeling confused, rejected, and feeling unable to fit in.

If we all talk more about how we feel and hear and see the world, then my hope is that the world will become a place that is more autism friendly than we often feel it is right now.

My hope is that we start to talk about our autism, or neurodivergent ways of feeling and seeing the world, in ways that others can recognise and understand.

As part of my Post Graduate Course in Autism Studies, I have created material for autism recognition and identification without lists of deficits or impairments. Whilst the language is only negative, and focused on disorder and disability, it is not surprising that autism is misunderstood.

#feelingtheworlddifferently #womenandautism #actuallyautistic #neurodifferentminds


I'm new here!

Hi, my name is tracyclements68. I'm here because at age 50 I found out that I feel, and see, and hear the world differently. I want to change and challenge some of the myths, the misconceptions and the misunderstanding. I am worried that autism is still not understood for what it really is and for what it really isn't. I'd like autism to be discussed without lists of deficits and impairments, and without the stereotypes that cause the stigma, meaning many of us don't dare to disclose, or even to self identify.

#MightyTogether #AutismSpectrumDisorder #feelingtheworlddifferently #actuallyautistic #womenandautism

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Listen to Autistics.

Autistics are the real Autism experts. Nothing about us without us. Listen to Autistic people.

#Autistic #actuallyautistic #audhd #adhd #Autism #cptsd #gad #AutismAcceptance #stimming #ASD #overwhelmed #executivefunctiondisorder #executivedysfunction #Hyperfocus #hypervigilant #sensoryoverstimulation #sensoryissues #sensorypain #speechless #echolalia #

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in Honor of Autism Acceptance Month

I’m autistic, and I made this to try to express what autism acceptance truly means to me! #AutisticAdults #actuallyautistic

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Ableism within the autism community

Don't take out your frustrations on your child's disability. I wouldn't get rid of my autism if I had the chance to #Ableism #Autism #ParentsOfChildrenWithSpecialNeeds #Parents #InternalizedAbleism #AutismAcceptance #actuallyautistic


Being Autistic didn’t stop me from illustrating 22 books

I’ve illustrated 22 books to date 🙏🏽 🦋 Never make fun of someone's passion, it could just be the thing that saves them from the world 🦋 or even themselves Art is LIFE art saved my life, if I didn't have a friend I have art, if I have nowhere else to turn I have art, if I can't speak it I can draw it, art was my first form of communication I drew before I spoke! I never thought others would trust me with their visions I never knew something I did to help me continue living would be loved by others! Limitless, that's how art makes me feel, if you have a child with any type of disorder & you see their passion for it or even just a developing interest! FEED it, feed that passion because the limits the world puts on us, can't fly if we don't accept them #Autism #AutisticAdults #actuallyautistic #AutismAcceptance #AutisticNotWeird #autisticandblack #autizzy

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