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#actuallyautistic Head on a swivel. #Anxiety #pleasenomorehashtags

I feel behind the times. Another Friday forcing myself not to isolate. I got a lot done running on caffeine but it only takes me so far. I'm much more organised as a tech savant lunatic than I am as a social being. I love people without knowing wtf my real significance to them is.

I miss the people who keep me sane too much to bother them with a message. I care too deeply for #Relationships I can't explain to know what to do.

Insofar as I'm lucky enough to still be alive I'm ready to disobey myself & be the squeaky wheel instantly pestering a cellphone or 2 about not navel gazing all night. I'm a fun person but that's got nothing to do with where I come from.

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Black Autistic & Proud

People get very uncomfortable when I speak of being BLACK & #autistic well, you don’t grow in comfort so the uncomfortable Convos are needed! One thing about me when it comes to being a Black autistic woman ima run my mouth I might stutter here & there but you will get my point 😆🖤♾️ #actuallyautistic #AutismAwareness #AutismAcceptance #neurodivergent

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Why speak about a heavy subject like #autistic meltdowns in a childrens book?

Why speak about a heavy subject like #autistic meltdowns in a childrens book?
They happen & need to be normalized
This is the reality for autistic children & other children need to see & learn what they are
If you think reading about it is too much for a child trying living it #actuallyautistic

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I’m new here!

Hi, my name is AutisticAdventurer 🦔. I'm here because I am really struggling with thoughts of sh. I am sh free ❤️‍🩹 for 96 days 🗓️ a record I haven't had in a really long time. I don't want to relaps but feel so low 📉, I don't want to talk to anyone about it or at least I am scared to. That's just why I am here. 📍

My physical health is dettoriating I can barely stand at times. I am in my exam period 📓, but don't know if I can study much longer because I feel really low and it hurts me so much. Also almost every examperiod I relaps and I am asking myself if it is still worth it? 🤷

ASD brings a lot of challenges. 🙄 I am also diagnosed with bipolar II, but think I also suffer from complex ptsd because I relive certain moments over and over. I really don't know... The weird thing is the moments I relive are most of the times the moments not of trauma that happend but about the consequences of it, like ending up in ER... 🏥

I really want to be a teacher 👩‍🏫, but I am in 2,5 of the 3 years study, but I don't know if I can stay because I feel really unwell.

I want to travel the world ✈️🤸🌍, saved up since I was 14, now I am 21 y/o. Right now is that my motivation to keep going. I really want to be here.

Also because I joined a scouts 🥾🧭 I have a reason not to leave my life in Belgium behind and find it hard that there are things in my life right now holding me back. There opened a new position in the group, to organize a lot etc, but that is for three years and I am only staying here for two more years. Also because of my asd I can't always handle pressure, so I don't feel I am up for it even though I really want it.

Can anyone give me some advice? 🍀

#MightyTogether #BipolarIIDisorder #AutismSpectrumDisorder #ASD #MentalHealth #Selfharm #Recovery #actuallyautistic

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Happy new year... If only it felt happy.

The prospect of another painstaking year feels very heavy today.
The years have all kinda felt like a horrible nightmare stuck in a replay and I can't find the remote to change the damn channel (if that makes sense).
Another dreadful, lonely, slow, meaningless year... and if history repeats itself it's safe to assume any attempts to change things up will backfire miserably. Every morning will be a reminder of the promise I made...
A promise made for the sake of everyone but myself. That's so typical of me... Putting everyone in my life at a higher priority than myself.
No matter how heavy i feel I somehow always fight to make sure everyone i love floats with ease even when it pushes me down further beneath the surface.
"Taylor Ann" = "one who sews grace" ... My name says it best. My purpose in life has always been and will always be; to be the light for everyone else, a background character to help them complete the story arc, while I myself am left in the dark and drowning gasping for breath and praying to break though the surface just enough to see a light meant for me.
I won't show it though. I will love with all of my soul ,and I'll give all of myself to everyone one else, and I'll pretend I'm happy about it because that's what is expected of me.
If I am unhappy or I admit that I hate being this way I am either viewed as a burden or cease to exist in their story anymore... That is until it becomes more convenient for them, until they need me again.
I'll be there when of use to them and I'll allow myself to sit collecting dust tucked away in some dark corner when they feel I'm irrelevant to the current chapter.
I won't leave though, because that would hurt the ones that I love deeply and I can't allow myself to cause such pain, not after seeing my grandfather snuff out his own light a year ago today.
However the thought of another year being; unseen, unheard, unimportant, another year of being unappreciated and made to feel unlikable unless I am molding myself into whatever help, tool or, coping mechanism that that they want in the moment....just feels so suffocating.
I know the new year is supposed to be filled with hope and promise but part of me believes that maybe some people will never have that luxury, some people will never be able to exist as their own and do things for the benefit of self gain. I think some people, people like me, will never know what it's like to exist simply for themselves.
So no my New Year isn't filled with hope, or dreams, or aspirations of a better year to come....My New Year is filled with Dread, and longing, and loneliness.
My New Year is filled with a heaviness in my chest sometimes being the only reminder that I exist at all. The first day of the New Year will be a heavy one.
Then come tomorrow the second day of the new Year, I'll get up I'll wash my face and make sure my eyes aren't red rimmed or cheeks tear stained and I'll play pretend again. I'll tell myself that I'm happy, that I'm not alone, that everything's okay, and that things will get better eventually. I say that I'm okay, that I'm healing ,and I'm happy... but deep down I'll know that I'm not getting happier I'm just getting better at ignoring the weight in my chest that is pulling me deeper. Deeper into the rut, into the darkness, into the unyielding waves of a terribly stormy sea a heaviness making it so hard to breath.
If I'm being honest I think the truth is I'm simply getting better at remembering that others don't want to see the heaviness. They want to pretend like it doesn't exist and they expect me to do the same just as I always have. I'm getting better remembering I'm unworthy of admitting to such contempt with life, unworthy of feeling sorrow, unworthy of asking for help to carry the weight. Deep down i know the truth is it's my own damn fault the weight is there to begin with, I let myself pick it, and I held on to for so long that my body no longer remembers to put it down. As a matter of fact I even convinced myself that it's what it's means to love someone and that maybe one day someone will love my back enough to be willing to hold the same type of weight for me, i would never let them though.
Normally these types feelings come up around my birthday because that's what signifies another year of my life however this year it's hitting hard today because today marks the anniversary of me promising to not admit these feelings out loud, to not give in to these feelings, to not ask for help anymore, to not need help anymore, and to never ever admit that I feel like sinking, and absolutely never actually sink. I promised not to burden anyone with feeling even of fraction of the pain i bare.
This last year everyone else seemed so much happier, nobody got mad at me when they finally asked me to come around, nobody treated me like I'm in the way or like I was a bother. They hardly even had contact with me unless they needed me so I know that means they must like me a little bit more than before back when I tried to be noticed, back when I asked for the same type of love in return. I know that I must be doing a little bit better at being the perfect light in the dark.
The thing about guiding lights are that you only need them in the darkness and when things are bright and cherry you forget you ever needed extra light, you forget to keep up with where you tucked it away or it it's still got enough juice for the next time you need to use it.
When things are happy in lives I am forgotten about....
And that, that is fucking heavy.
Today is fucking heavy because today a small part of me wishes they would either want me around always or completely forget me altogether never to reach for me again.
Today is heavy, and my soul is tired, and I can't admit
I'm alone, I'm worn out, and everything just feels heavy.

I do apologize for such a "heavy" rant, I simply needed to scream it in to the metaphorical "void" that is the Internet; where I can hide behind a screen, safe in my knowledge that no one even knows me and that some of you are me.

I hope with everything in my heart that you do not understand this feeling and if you do I sincerely hope that you will find the strength to put the weight down, to let go of being a light only for others and learn to be the light for yourself.

I will leave you with this last statement not out of habit or tradition, but out of shear hope that it'll become your new truth.
May your year bring you the happiness you deserve. #MentalHealth #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #actuallyautistic

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#Autism & #MentalHealth

May is #MentalHealthAwareness month 🙏🏽 just so you know #Autism is NOT a mental illness it’s a neurological disorder! However many autism people LIVE with mental illnesses, remember I said live not suffer! I live with Anxiety, depression, PTSD & dissociative disorder, I’ve had several suicide attempts I may or may not have had these conditions if I wasn’t autistic or not! Suicide , anxiety , depression & many more mental health illnesses are very real! most ppl won’t ask for health in fear of being laughed at, judged, misunderstood and called crazy
Try being understanding
Try being a listening ear
Try kindness
You never know what a person has gone through & possibly still going through
Suicide is not funny
Anxiety is not funny
Depression is not funny
Mental health issues are not funny
Suicide should not be judged
Anxiety should not be judged
Depression should not be judged
Mental health issues should not be judged
If you are struggling you can call the National suicide prevention hotline at 988 🙏🏽
#youarenotalone #MentalHealthAwareness #meantalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #mentalillness #Anxiety #deppresion #PTSD #cptsd #Autistic #actuallyautistic #neurodivergent #wearthepeace #autizzy #neurospicy #blackandautistic #autisticandblack

Sweatshirt by @wearthepeacesupport

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Speaking with Canvas Rebel Magazine #Autism #Autistic #AutismAcceptanceMonth #actuallyautistic

CRM? We often hear about learning lessons – but just as important is unlearning lessons. Have you ever had to unlearn a lesson?
Ayanna- A lesson I had to unlearn was that I was unworthy and that my voice did not matter the backstory is really simple is very common for disabled people feel unseen and unheard and I was told by a professional authority figure when I was a teenager that I wouldn’t get very far or be much in life and I believed her and that stuck with me for a very long time it start to change until I received my autism diagnosis and my self love and worth journey began and I realized not only am I worthy I’m more than worthy

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I’m not a tragedy #AutismAcceptance #Autistic #Autism #actuallyautistic

‘Autism is NOT a TRAGEDY but IGNORANCE is ‘ & yet the ‘autism puzzle pieces’ meaning … let’s talk about it , It was created by Gerald Gasson, a board member for the National Autistic Society. He believed that #Autistic people suffered from a "puz-zling" condition, so they adopted a logo of a puzzle piece with a weeping child, displaying the notion that autism is a TRAGEDY that children suffer from 😒 let’s not forget those autistic children turn into autistic adults 😊
My heart is not a tragedy ❤️
My JOY is not a tragedy 🫶🏽
My Art is not a tragedy 🎨
My books I illustrated, not tragedy’s 😆
My dance is not a tragedy 💃🏽
My soul, spirit and the simple fact that I exist is no tragedy and there’s nothing puzzling about me im PERFECTLY made & so are YOU 🌻💐🌻🦋
Happy #autismacceptancemonth ♾️
#AutismAcceptance #Autistic #Autism #actuallyautistic #autismadvocate #autismadvocay #blackandautistic #blackautisticwomen #autisticwomen #autisticadult #neurodiverse #neurodiversity #neurospicy #autizzy #autismawareness #redinstead

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The beauty in being different feature #actuallyautistic #Autistic #Autism

Reflecting on her formative years, Ayanna shared, "I always sensed my differences but lacked
understanding. I was often perceived as the weird, awkward, black girl,' when in reality, my
struggles stemmed from anxiety and overstimulation. It was only seven years ago that I
received my autism diagnosis, and it was a complete revelation. The lack of representation for
black autistics, particularly black autistic women, inspired me to advocate for greater visibility."

I would love to share this article I was recently highlighted in link is below


Feeling The World Differently

Why might it be that society doesn’t seem to understand enough about autism and how can we change that?

So many groups of people who think, or feel, or behave differently, are readily accepted, understood, and even protected, but often this doesn’t seem to be the same for people who are given the labels attached to brains that divert from the majority neurotype.

There are so many myths and misconceptions leading to a myriad of misunderstandings, that the truth about what autism really is, and really isn’t, is often hidden behind the stereotypes and stigma. The same is true for ADHD, ADD, OCD and all of the different neurological ways of processing.

In the recent documentary about autistic minds, Dr Chris Packham created a digital image of the way that his brain sees and seeks out knowledge. I was excited because it was how I see things, but then he didn’t explain. Dr Camilla Pang, in her book Explaining Humans describes a similar thing, but refers to what she calls tree thinking: the way that her brain and her thoughts flow and grow.

My Sherlock Holmes thing.

I call this my Sherlock Holmes thing - but without the ability to solve crimes. I see and hear and feel and process everything all at once which often causes physical and mental meltdowns.

I know this now, but I have spent over fifty years thinking that I am just awkward or ungrateful or too fussy. There have been occasions where I have presumed that I felt uncomfortable, or unable to cope, because the people didn’t like me, or because of something that I had said or done. And whilst that might have been true, I would often cause an argument or become hysterical so that I could find a reason to leave.

If I had been able to identify what was really happening to me, and if I had been able to explain, then maybe I could have navigated life in a way that wouldn’t have left me feeling confused, rejected, and feeling unable to fit in.

If we all talk more about how we feel and hear and see the world, then my hope is that the world will become a place that is more autism friendly than we often feel it is right now.

My hope is that we start to talk about our autism, or neurodivergent ways of feeling and seeing the world, in ways that others can recognise and understand.

As part of my Post Graduate Course in Autism Studies, I have created material for autism recognition and identification without lists of deficits or impairments. Whilst the language is only negative, and focused on disorder and disability, it is not surprising that autism is misunderstood.

#feelingtheworlddifferently #womenandautism #actuallyautistic #neurodifferentminds