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I relearned again tonight that it is Good to cry and let out all my hidden and stifled emotions. So here is my message to you. You strong brave soul that has survived SO much and keeps going. You beautiful being that thinks it is better to hide away and cry as soft as possible so those you love don't hurt, knowing you hurt.

It is okay if they see. It won't be the end of the world. They won't think less of you. Crying is human. And even more so it is necessary. Sobs can heal scars that seem to never close.

So please, don't feel you need to be emotionless and unfeeling to exist in this world. Because existing is Not living. And a life of just surviving alone in a corner crying is not a life you should have to deal with. You deserve more. You and your stretched-to-the-limit body deserve to be free. So please, don't be afraid to let go. It is OKAY to cry.

#ChronicPain #Fibromyalgia #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #ChronicFatigueSyndromeampME #GastroesophagealRefluxDisease #Insomnia #ChronicIllness #RareDisease #CheckInWithMe #Lupus #Depression #Befree

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Great day

For darkness came and she felt at ease. Oh how it gave her comfort. For no one could see. No one could judge. The shadows were gone and only the feared came out in the dark. Them she is not afraid of cuz it is with them she feels normal. The slighted will stand tall and the battered rise from the ash. For it is the “disturbed” that will last night long nights to come. #Gothgirl #Bipolar2 #warrior #Survivor #Depression #Anxiety #CheckInWithMe #Fightthestigma #Befree #StayStrong