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How are you doing with your #MALS #MedianArcuateLigamentSyndrome this year?

How are you feeling? How do you handle the ups and downs of rare disease like #MALS #MedianArcuateLigamentSyndrome ? Did you have surgery yet? Regardless, this is all here for support and 2024 I’m aiming to get better control of my health. Let’s support each other ♥️ #SafeSpace

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Welcome! 🥳 🥰

Hello new members and so excited you joined 'A Safe Sapce'! My name is Kate and I'm a part of the Morning Chaos System. We are an OSDD system, and we may do alter intros at some point. Super excited you've joined, so enjoy!

#osdd #DID #newmembers #SafeSpace #Anxiety #Autism #ASD #SH #SuicidalIdeation #Bettertogether

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A #SafeSpace to Vent

Okay, I am breaking my own habit by avoiding sharing an issue when I am in the midst of a storm.

Background: I have been on an extended medical leave due to a TBI diagnosis. I was supposed yo return to work March 8 the day after a follow-up appointment with my neurologist. We had a scheduled 1:00PM video, “telemed” appointment. I arrived at the site 10 minutes before the meet time, as required. The doctor did not join the session until 1:20PM. As I waited, and re-entered the video waiting room 2 times because I thought surely my connection must be wrong: no other “participants” appeared for 30 minutes. So, I called the doctor’s office 2 times to confirm the appointment: no answer. Finally, the doctor and I connect. It looked as if she was obviously at home in a living room wearing casual clothes. I asked if there was a technical issue. She explained how the neurology department “had” 3 doctors, but 2 left and now she has a heavier workload.

We spoke for approximately 24 minutes. We ended the call as she let me know to “be on the lookout” because she will submit my “Return to Work” letter in my hospital app’s email account. A week later, no letter, still. I sent her a reminder Thursday, 2 days after the meeting. But noticed how the typical post appointment “summary” was not showing nor was the appointment listed as a past appointment.

Long story short, today, a week later, I called the neurologist office, but a hospital call center rep answered. As I explained the situation while asking for the promised necessary return to work letter, the representative told me the hospital’s site states “patient was a no show.” I informed her that that information is wrong. She sceptically questioned my claim. I had to defend my claim and try to convince her that I did in fact attend the neurology appointment as well as the second appointment, with Behavioral Health, that happened at 2:00PM the same day. Both appointments are not registered anywhere on the hospital’s charts. The only thing their records state is “patient was a no show.”

So, now, my company waits for me to return to work. Note, thankfully, I have kept them up to date with every appointment even with sending images of appointment reminders. But the hospital records claim I never attended any March 7 follow-up and assessment appointments. And I now sit at home in limbo. Therefore, I am writing this account and sharing it with others to release the stress and anxiety my mind habitually runs to when distress occurs.

Any thoughts? Please, no inquires or advice. My brain is spinning nearly out of control trying to solve this crazy issue, which I simply cannot do.

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Chronic Pain Sucks

Been in a severe fibro flare up for 2 weeks first severe one in a while and have had to take time out from work as am physically, mentally and emotionally burnt out.... back to relying on my zimmerframe to get about indoors as can barely walk from the pain in my lower back, pelvic girdle, knees and feet... my cervicogenical headaches are making me vomit and my sensory hypersensitivity is through the roof... and to top it all off I have UTI on top of it and going to the loo 60x plus a day for a little piddle that hurts like hell... My husband took the week off as leave to help me but has been more of hinderance than help... We keep arguing that takes even more energy of which I have zero left in the tank and I'm so depressed... just feel so overwhelmed and helpless and am so emotional, noise is a big thing for me I can't stand it and he refuses to put his headset on whilst gaming and has to play shooting games which make me jolt which causes more pain and has to have the TV so loud that I scream because it just can't take it... to watching films on his phone in bed waking me up which means I cannot get back to sleep so my body just isn't recovering.... when trying to cook and clean where my husbands does nothing to alleviate those every day tasks, if I didn't do these things my husbands answer is Uber Eats as it means I don't have to cook or wash up after.... he is a can't cook won't cook man and I am like yeah cos copious amounts of junk food is seriously going to help my energy levels... I'm grateful to my husband because I love him and I know he is having to live with this debilitating conditions as well being married to me... but the arguments are taking its toll... sorry to rant in my first ever post but I know this is a safe space #Fibromyalgia #sensoryhypersensitivity #SafeSpace #Needspace


Special Item

OK. This is probably weird but I am giving it a try. So say you are going to a place, any place, doesn't matter, and you can't bring people or pets, so you have one item you are allowed to bring with you. What would your special item be? Have some fun with this, I hope! #Friends #Friendship #friendships #MightyTogether #MentalHealth #FamilyAndFriends #New #lonely #alone #NoOneFightsAlone #StrongerTogether #Together #SocialInteraction #social #wellness #EmotionalHealth #Health #relate #Chat #Share #post #safe #SafeSpace #Connections #Positivity #positive #Fun #Mindful #Mindfulness #Kindness #ActsOfKindness #ActOfKindness Self-esteem Self-worth #self -love #Confidence #Life #Lifestyle

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ABSOLUTE TRUST #Trust #Cat #Love #SafeSpace #friend

My cat is not God who sees all things and understands all things. However in her perfection as “Cat” she constantly reminds me that in her eyes I am a safe haven. Lindt was a rescue cat. Left behind with her kittens when her human family moved. Today she is precious in My eyes and a good reminder that I am precious in Gods eyes. We are Loved!!!

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This group is now a private- full privacy- group!

Hi everyone! We just made this group private instead of it being a publicly seen group.
This means all group content will only be visible to members of the group.

Now everyone in our group can feel completely comfortable sharing about yourself and anything about your life in here, and posting your own posts in here and no worries about letting us really get to know each other so we can achieve this group’s purpose-to grow new, genuine friendships because what’s in this group is only for us to see!

#Friends #Friendship #friendships #MightyTogether #MentalHealth #FamilyAndFriends #New #lonely #alone #NoOneFightsAlone #StrongerTogether #Together #SocialInteraction #social #wellness #EmotionalHealth #Health #relate #Chat #Share #post #safe #SafeSpace #Connections #Positivity #positive #Fun #Mindful #Mindfulness #Kindness #ActsOfKindness #ActOfKindness #Selfesteem #Selfworth #Selflove #Confidence #Life #Lifestyle

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When men make you feel unsafe

This is to the men who think it is okay to try to pick up women on this platform.

This is not a dating site. This is not the place for you to pop up in my inbox with a "hello" in the hopes that I will entertain some kind of conversation with you. What are you hoping will happen?

I would be more inclined to think this an actual conversation popping up if I had a random man or woman who is part of one of my communities messaging me with real concerns, or reaching out to discuss a common illness and find support.

This is a safe community of people who struggle with very real illnesses and disabilities. A space where people come when they are vulnerable or want to share their thoughts, maybe foster some positivity. I come here to find support and a safe space where I know others understand what I am going through.

Shame on you for your revolting lack of manners and empathy. If you want to pick up women who are clearly in your class - go visit your local dive bar or sign up for a cheap dating site. But don't, DON'T, feel that it is okay to step into my safe space and try to hit me up.

#SafeSpace #OpenLetter #Harassment


Love this space.

Ya know, sometimes you just need to vent and don’t have / want to speak to anyone in your life cause you don’t want to bother them with your issues/thoughts/feelings.

But The Mighty.... I feel safe to speak without judgement and supported.
So thank you to everyone for being a safe supportive space.

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Tonight's thoughts 💭💭.... #MentalHealth #Parenting #GeneralParenting #Anxiety #Depression #Selfcare

Tonight's late night walk with the little ones and dog ....

Justnow my main focus is while trying to cope with my physical and mental health struggles I really wanted to work on being able to feel like the best mummy I can be while adapting to my new ways of life at the moment .Recently I have gotten so wrapped up in my struggles that I am constantly putting myself down ,feeling guilty and disappointed in myself for things I am doing differently or can't do anymore the way I want too.

Having some time with them today and tonight ,having fun ,hearing them laugh , getting lots of love and just listening to them and watching them has really felt a massive relief from what I have been feeling.
Tonight I am going to bed thinking of our fun,the hugs,thinking of hearing them say I'm the best and it was the best day go over in my head and I am going to bed with a very full heart , feeling proud of myself and most of all actually looking forward to tomorrow which is something I've been struggling with alot recently.

It really is the little things that can make the biggest difference ♥️

#Parenting #GeneralParenting #MentalHealth #AloneTogether #SafeSpace #Anxiety #Depression #Selfcare #CheckInWithMe #Insomnia #Upallnight #SkinCancer #Endometriosis #COVID19 #longcovid #loveyourself #Bekind