Fed up
I haven’t wrote on here for 2 yrs now the as soon as I do this post pops up and it’s like it was speaking to me from god. I know not everyone believes but I do and I am a very big girl with bipolar disorder anxiety depression and now an eating disorder because even though I’m big the doctor thinks only eat enough to stay alive and the meds I’m on keep me big my mum has a eating disorder as well and she doesn’t understand how I feel. My body is breaking down my liver and pancreas is shot with all the meds I’m now trying to eat porridge in the morning and a large yoghurt for tea or anything that will help I feel full after a few bites they say my mental health is stable cos I dnt have episodes at present so I’m now back at Councillors I’ve always been big and when I started having issues then I loathed my body and now I am ok with my body it’s all the ill health that worries me my teeth falling out pain in my stomach and my throat I get terrible sick migraine vomiting heartburn chocking on fresh air and I’m only 43 but aslong as my mental health is stable then I should be okay but now it’s making me hate life itself fed up isn’t even the word anymore
#Bipolar1 #EatingDisorder #Anxiety #Depression #BipolarDisorder