Bipolar 1 Disorder

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Just a medication and symptoms vent #BipolarDisorder

I technically know I’ll get better meds eventually, maybe even very soon, but I’m really struggling today.
My psychiatrist prescribed me an atypical antipsychotic for agitation, and it helped so so much. I felt so grounded and calm and normal at work and productive at home. I stopped continuously listening to podcasts and playing video games. Most importantly, the intense feeling of wanting to crawl out of my skin, or dysphoria, went away. I just liked being in my brain again.
I got to feel this way for like 4 days, and it gave me so much hope.

But I had to stop taking it because it gave me intense eye strain while driving to work, and I didn’t feel safe on my 40 min commute. I don’t know how to describe how tempting it was to take it anyways, but I know it’s a driving hazard, and not necessarily likely to go away. Changing dose or time of day didn’t help, so I stopped taking it.

Honestly coping skills don’t really feel worth it right now, when medication fixed 90% of the problem. Now that I’ve stopped there’s nothing I can do to make this buzzing, dysphoric feeling go away, only distract myself from it and keep functioning. Hopefully on Monday I can get in touch with my psychiatrist, and she’s willing to try something very similar.

Sorry this was a long post. I just really needed to vent. I dont have a super trusting relationship with my psychiatrist, because she keeps recommending antidepressants and doesn’t like to use the word bipolar with me. I understand because I probably don’t have bipolar I, and sometimes people with bipolar can take antidepressants, but it makes me worried. Our last session went better because I was able to describe the agitation and she completely understood it, but it’s still all new. The person who did my evaluation did diagnose me with unspecified bipolar, and I strongly agree with that diagnosis. I think my communication with that psychiatrist will improve with time, though.

Anyways, thanks for reading. I guess I just want validation for giving up on trying to make this feeling go away, when so far only medication (or sometimes time) makes it go away. I just hate being in my brain right now, and it has no connection to my thoughts or emotions at all. I’m just buzzing with “mild” distress, from as soon as I gain consciousness in the morning until I’m comepletely asleep at night, and I don’t even know how to share this kinda thing with coworkers and friends. #Hypomania #BipolarDisorder #MentalHealth

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SMI and caregiving for parents

Is anyone else trying to mange their own mental illness while caring for elderly parents? Both my parents need help, but my dad has Parkinson’s and as it worsens, his needs increase. I’m the only one in the household physically capable of caring for him but he needs help getting out of chairs, going to the bathroom, dressing, and preparing food. I can’t even get a full night’s sleep anymore because he needs me so often in the middle of the night to help him go to the bathroom. We’re not poor enough to qualify for financial help with caregiving nor are we rich enough to afford assisted living. I’m the plan, the only plan. If I get sick, too bad. If I need a mental health day, too bad. We are researching options. We have caregivers come in a few hours each week. But I need more. My family doesn’t understand why this causes me to be emotional so often even though they know I’ve been hospitalized so many times for psychiatric problems and I’m on disability for it. I don’t see why they can’t understand. #Caregiving #Bipolar1 #ParkinsonsDisease

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SMI and caregiving for parents

Is anyone else trying to mange their own mental illness while caring for elderly parents? Both my parents need help, but my dad has Parkinson’s and as it worsens, his needs increase. I’m the only one in the household physically capable of caring for him but he needs help getting out of chairs, going to the bathroom, dressing, and preparing food. I can’t even get a full night’s sleep anymore because he needs me so often in the middle of the night to help him go to the bathroom. We’re not poor enough to qualify for financial help with caregiving nor are we rich enough to afford assisted living. I’m the plan, the only plan. If I get sick, too bad. If I need a mental health day, too bad. We are researching options. We have caregivers come in a few hours each week. But I need more. My family doesn’t understand why this causes me to be emotional so often even though they know I’ve been hospitalized so many times for psychiatric problems and I’m on disability for it. I don’t see why they can’t understand. #Caregiving #Bipolar1 #ParkinsonsDisease

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Creatine: anyone using this?

I’ve started a work-out & fitness routine and it’s helping:) Have dropped a few lbs. Been reading about creatine supplements. Anyone tried these? I’m reading they can cause some mania. I have bipolar type 1 and experience some intense mania alot of weeks; don’t need more, for sure. Just curious what your experience has been. (I’ll be talking with my psychiatrist about this in a few weeks). Thanks!

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Relapse is a Part of Recovery

March is self-harm awareness month.

The brightest smiles often hold the most pain.
But depression and self-harm and hit anyone. It knows no age, gender, socioeconomic status.

I began self-harming at the age of 12. Unfortunately, it became routine whenever I couldn’t control my emotions. It became a coping skill- something to help me breathe through the pain.

My support system and care team are aware of my self-injury and I am very open with my scars.

I was diagnosed with bipolar 1 in 2020 and was told by my psychiatrist to stop taking my bipolar meds a couple weeks ago because of weight gain. However, this made me slide right into a manic episode where I ended up in the backyard in the grass, staring at the sky, sobbing with new injuries on my forearm.

When my fiancé found out he helped me call the doctor and order my meds again until we can figure out a new game plan.

All this to say… advocate for yourself. Love yourself. Don’t give up. Two steps forward and one step back is still progress.

You are loved and worthy of love.
Relapse is a part of recovery…. Keep climbing even when your legs hurt.

I love you, and I’ll see you soon.
#Bipolar1 #Selfharm #Selfcare #MentalHealth

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Relapse is a Part of Recovery

March is self-harm awareness month.

The brightest smiles often hold the most pain.
But depression and self-harm and hit anyone. It knows no age, gender, socioeconomic status.

I began self-harming at the age of 12. Unfortunately, it became routine whenever I couldn’t control my emotions. It became a coping skill- something to help me breathe through the pain.

My support system and care team are aware of my self-injury and I am very open with my scars.

I was diagnosed with bipolar 1 in 2020 and was told by my psychiatrist to stop taking my bipolar meds a couple weeks ago because of weight gain. However, this made me slide right into a manic episode where I ended up in the backyard in the grass, staring at the sky, sobbing with new injuries on my forearm.

When my fiancé found out he helped me call the doctor and order my meds again until we can figure out a new game plan.

All this to say… advocate for yourself. Love yourself. Don’t give up. Two steps forward and one step back is still progress.

You are loved and worthy of love.
Relapse is a part of recovery…. Keep climbing even when your legs hurt.

I love you, and I’ll see you soon.
#Bipolar1 #Selfharm #Selfcare #MentalHealth

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I got off my meds on purpose, bad decision.

I got off Latuda and It was such a bad decision.

The reason why I got off Latuda was because I DID NOT like how they made me feel. They made me feel so sleepy, so zombie like, so exhausted. Even when awake too. I can’t stand that feeling. So I got off them… Not smart, I know. But anyways, I got manic. I started spiraling and then out of nowhere, my responsibilities got thrown out the window. Life was a joke, everything was a joke. I couldn’t take my life seriously. Missing work, missing school, missing out on things that are important to me. I just didn’t care anymore. Scary, I know.

Now im trying to take my meds again, but I HATE them so much. I will see my psychiatrist this month, so lets pray he switches meds for me!! I can’t stand being manic but I also can’t stand being painfully exhausted all the time. ughhhhhhhhhhhh. #Bipolar1 #BipolarDisorder

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I got off my meds on purpose, bad decision.

I got off Latuda and It was such a bad decision.

The reason why I got off Latuda was because I DID NOT like how they made me feel. They made me feel so sleepy, so zombie like, so exhausted. Even when awake too. I can’t stand that feeling. So I got off them… Not smart, I know. But anyways, I got manic. I started spiraling and then out of nowhere, my responsibilities got thrown out the window. Life was a joke, everything was a joke. I couldn’t take my life seriously. Missing work, missing school, missing out on things that are important to me. I just didn’t care anymore. Scary, I know.

Now im trying to take my meds again, but I HATE them so much. I will see my psychiatrist this month, so lets pray he switches meds for me!! I can’t stand being manic but I also can’t stand being painfully exhausted all the time. ughhhhhhhhhhhh. #Bipolar1 #BipolarDisorder

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