Compassion fatigue
#Compassionfatigue is when you are to the point of exhaustion in an emotional or physical way that leads to a diminished ability to care for others or express compassion or even empathize.
I feel like this sometimes although I don't know what led to it. Sometimes I'm sitting there all put out because I have to even speak. I wouldn't consider myself even with the gift of empathy in a major way. But there are definitely times when I feel exhausted by all that there is to do or even say or express. Does this mean I am a highly sensitive person? Sometimes I feel like that.
Back to compassion fatigue, I feel like it means someone always has to put a lot into just their day. Or to put it better, someone puts so much into their day and it's exhausting. I feel like I am coming up short on the fact that I feel empathy. Although there are times that it overwhelms me, there are times when I am very compassionate. It does wear me down and out.
I am glad I got it out. I am very astounded that I feel exhausted because I ever felt compassion and empathy that much apparently. I always thought it was beyond my ability to feel anything. I am a good person. I guess I just didn't realize it.