So I have this habit of going down the rabbit hole when it comes to certain things. Since before I can remember I’ve looked into DCD every once in a while to see if anything new had been uncovered about it, this gaining in frequency once I hit college and got access to the online databases at my schools. So I’ve been looking into fibromyalgia quite a bit since I got the diagnosis, looking for tips to help get through the day. But the more I look into it, the more skeptical I am that I actually have it.
I know I should just trust the doctor but I don’t seem to fit into large portions, and I’m not sure if myself not checking off certain areas is tied back to DCD or not. So like one of the things often mentioned when you’re looking into fibromyalgia is pressure points that cause pain, I don’t have any of those. As well as most of the pain they tend to talk about is described as muscular or terrible joint pain. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had my share of painful muscle pulls (I can pull a muscle just by sneezing) and I’ve had joint pain since I was child, but the pain that led to the fibromyalgia diagnosis was deeper, usually organ-ish and radiating up to a bone deep pain (beginning with the feeling that someone was trying to rip my reproductive organs out with a rusty spoon, and spreading upwards to feeling like someone had their nails sunk into the flesh of my sides and is pulling it apart, and radiating from there). Adding on to this, I’ve been an insomniac since I was a kid, and been more tired, low energy, and required more rest than others my age, but again that’s all pretty common with DCD. I’ve definitely felt foggy in the head in the last few months. Lastly, a big thing I’ve come across while researching fibromyalgia is like a pain on the skin, like with a pressure sensitivity to people and things touching you. And I don’t really have that. And I’m not sure if my DCD factors in enough that I would present with different symptoms or if my doctor is treating me for fibromyalgia in the hopes that I’ll respond to the treatment (which I am) and won’t have to go under the knife to check for endometriosis.
I don’t mean to try to disprove the doctor or pretend I’m wiser but I’m concerned that maybe it’s not the correct diagnosis, but again, I’m not a doctor, they probably have better info on it than I do.