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The Ways Judy Heumann Impacted the Disability Rights Movement

• "Judy Heumann, called the "mother of disability rights" passed away at the age of 75 onMarch 4th. Heumann famously said
"I want to see feisty disabled people change the world."
• "Judy was the first teacher who used a wheelchair in New York City.
Judy fought for the rights of disabled school teacher, suing the local school board of education. This is a huge step not only for public school teachers but for all professions everywhere. Disabled people deserve to be in every occupation in every level of leadership."
• "Judy changed the landscape for disability & employment laws.
Judy was the first teacher who used a wheelchair in New York City. Judy sued the local school board of education when they didn't allow her to teach in her chair.
This is a huge step not only for public school teachers but for all professions everywhere. Disabled people deserve to be in every occupation in every level of leadership. Judy set a precedent.”
• “Judy worked on a federal level to make sure disabled people had equal benefits and opportunities at work.
Judy organized a 10-city protest to encourage President Nixon to sign the Rehabilitation Act (Section 504). This act ensures that individuals with disabilities will have equal opportunities and benefits in the workplace.”
• “Judy revolutionized equal access to education. Judy helped develop legislation that became the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). IDEA makes sure that students with a disability receive a Free Appropriate Education, which is designed to meet their needs."
• "Judy worked towards independence for disabled people Judy co-founded the World Institute on Disability in 1983. The World Institute on Disability is dedicated to helping disabled people live as independently as possible.
• "Judy Heumann's tireless efforts, protest and constant work helped establish the Americans with Disabilities Act.
The Americans with Disabilities Act is a civil rights law that protects disabled people against discrimination in all areas of life."
• “Thank you Judy. Rest in Power.
We will not forget the work you did to change disability rights forever." ##Disability #disabilitycommunity
#DisabilitylsDiversity #disabilityawareness
#DisabilityAdvocate #disabilitysolidarity #DisabilityReframed #disabilitysupport
#inclusionmatters #Inclusion
#InclusionRevolution #ChooseTolnclude
#accessible #AccessibilityForAll
#disabledaccess #AccessibilityMatters
#accessforall #Disabled
#RememberingJudyHeumann #ripjudyheumann #RIPJudy
#judyheumann #Activism

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Disability Is Not A Bad Word #disabilityisnotabadword #Inclusion #Accessibility #Awareness #Advocacy #DisabilityAdvocate

DISABILITY is NOT a bad word.
Able-bodied people are afraid of being offensive by calling PWD (people with disabilities), disabled, so instead they call us “differently-abled”, “special needs”, “handicap”, “handicapable”, and more.

Each disabled individual has a preference of how they want to identify and what they would prefer people to refer to them as, and most choose to identify as disabled.

People need to start teaching their kids to not avoid or be scared of people with disabilities because it sets a bad example. Parents need to stop dragging their kids away from disabled people. If they stare or point, they’re most likely curious and just want to know more about something they see because maybe it’s not something they see every day, or maybe it’s because they go to school with someone like who they are looking at. Every kid deserves to have friends and people to hang out with, whether they’re able-bodied, or not.

By making places more inclusive and accessible to everyone, such as implementing the universal design of learning for all education, making social media platforms and content more accessible, employers hiring more disabled people, raising awareness about different conditions, and having conversations about inclusion, equality, accomodations, and accessibility, and more, we would be setting a better example for present and future youth.

Accessibility should be a reality of something that we actively strive to improve, instead of it being the newest trending hashtag because it sounds “cool”.

If you want to be an ally to the people with disabilities, learn from the source directly. Reach out to the disabled community to find out what they need, what’s important to them, and what you want to know more about.

We are just like everyone else even though we may act, look, or do things differently than what abled-bodied individuals are used to or what the “norm” is. We are capable of living fulfilling lives with reasonable accomodations and support.

We need more unity and acceptance. We need more inclusion. People can learn so much about things they may never previously thought about, or get a new perspective that may broaden their knowledge or awareness about something.

Having inclusion and accessibility in society benefits everyone, both disabled and non-disabled. It needs to be the norm, not something we have to constantly fight for.

At the end of the day, we are people. We live, we breathe, we love, we laugh, we cry, we are human. We are all human.

- Korrine H (I wrote this from scratch, so please credit me if you’re going to share it)

Image Description: Korrine standing up, taking a selfie in a stand up mirror. Her dark brown curly hair is tied back in a bun. She’s wearing glasses, hearing aids, and a red mask. She’s holding her white cane in one hand and her phone in the other. She’s wearing a navy blue shirt that says DISABILITY is not a bad word, black leggings, and dark gray shoes.

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Netflix changed me #DisabilityAdvocate #Netflix #CripCamp

The most productive thing I have done all Quarantine is listen to about 17 people tell me I should watch this movie! Here are my thoughts!! ** Sidenote the language in this film is outdated but at the time was appropriate to use, I do not condone this language used in current life situations just let that be known while watching!

It has taken me almost 3 1/2 hours to watch an hour and a half long documentary, due to the overwhelming and empowering amount of emotion all across the spectrum while watching this. I Felt anger, sadness, happiness, pride, frustration, but most of all thankfulness and joy!
The documentary “Crip Camp” is a newly released Netflix documentary discussing the evolution of equality and rights for individuals with disabilities! I speak a lot about individuals with disabilities, movies you should watch, organizations you should donate to, books to read, and many other things, while I think those are all necessary and noble things to do, if you have ever questioned anything about an individual with a disability watch this documentary! This documentary shows individuals with disabilities fighting four things that are still not perfect today but a hell of a lot better thanks to the people that stood on the front lines and fought for it! I have the luxury to go to school and get A free appropriate education, I can walk into a building and know that it will have an accessible entrance, I can go back to school and get a degree in special education because of these individuals Who were like me and knew they deserved more. Working with individuals with special needs is something that I have always wanted to do and will continue to do for the rest of my life. This documentary didn’t change that, it made me thankful to be part of a community of people that fight for not only what we deserve, but still fight because we deserve more. Please please please. Watch this documentary while you are safe at home with the people you love! there’s so much more I could say about how much this documentary made me feel! As an educator and my ability to be able to go to school, To teach kids with differences not only to learn how to teach them to advocate for themselves and then they deserve as much as everyone else! and an individual special means I urge you to watch it and find out for yourself! Trust me it’s worth it!!!👏🏻👏🏻 #equal #americandisabilityact #freedom #ability #ablenotlabel #peoplearepeople #treatpeoplethewayyouwannabetreated #differentnotless #fightforwhatsright

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Were you denied Disability Benefits?

I remember how afraid I was back in 2007 when I first applied for Social Security. Fortunately, unlike many, I was approved the first time around. I remember researching the process until my eyes swelled. I lost sleep. I was full of anxiety. Now, I try to help others through the process. I get how crucial the approval stamp is. For most of us, our lives literally depend on those benefits, like mine did, and they were put in place to assist us as members of society. Weren’t they? For those of you who are going through the application process or considering it, buckle up because it can be a rough ride. That’s a truth. Ask questions, I’m sure there are Mighties who can shed some light. I included.
#DisabilityAdvocate #Peersupport #wearemightytogether