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What CAN you do today?

Stuck in a 5 day flare. Thoracic Outlet Syndrome affects my entire left side and makes it hard to move. Yesterday, I could barely walk through the mall without stopping and leaning against a wall. It causes such unbearable pain, stiffness and fatigue.

They say get out of the house when you don’t feel well, it will make you feel better. Sometimes, it's better to rest and stay home. I’m still only able to walk small distances today.

Days like these are mental days. Where my hands and body don’t work well enough to do much at all.

Too much time spent in my head day. Watching what others can do.

Fighting back tears day, and trying to be strong.

Dreaming day. Dreaming of the day I can be more than this.

Angry day. Angry that I can’t do what I’m dreaming of.

These days I need people to distract me, but I’m so in my head it’s hard to pretend I’m ok.

Yesterday, I was able to look up and take this photo, even though I was stuck in the chair because I could no longer walk through the mall.

Today, I was able to make this post.

What CAN you do today?
#teetheredcord #ThoracicOutletSyndrome #ChronicIllnessEDS #EhlersDanlosSyndromes #MentalHealth #ChronicPain #ChronicFatigue #RareDisease #Fibromyalgia #Chronicpainsucks #chronicpainlife #chronicpainawareness #chronicpainartist #Hope #Dream #fibrowarrior #ehlersdanlostype3 #EhlersDanlosSyndrome

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Something wasn't right - Has this happened to you?

So all week shoes have been super annoying and uncomfortable! Not really uncommon but No matter what shoes, it felt like the bones in my foot were on top of each other and caused more pain. Went to put on boots to go to dinner tonight and something hurt popped/ rolled and made the pain less and shoes weren't as terrible . Has anyone had something like this happen? Do you know what it was?

#EhlersDanlosSyndromes #ChronicIllnessEDS #Hypermobility #HEDS

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