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° " So I Worked Today Even Though It's Supposed To Be My Regular Day Off.. " ° #frustrating #Depression

° " I Had Another Co-worker Complaining To My Boss... That I Never Do Anything... Which Is Totally False... He Was Telling Her. That I Don't Clean Anything And That I Stand Around Too Much... Umm Maybe You Should Look In The Mirror.. This Old Man Has A Maintance Job To Do. Which Is Clean The Window's.. And The Tile And All He Litterly Doe's Is Gossip And Stand Around Talking To People... And My Boss Agreed With Him... That I'm Lazy... Excuse Me!!! ... I'm Really Starting To Not Like Human's At All Anymore... Then If They Don't Like Me Or My Work Ethic Than Please Let Me Go... Oh Wait They Can't Because I'm The Only One That Show's Up When I'm Able Too.. " • Sincerely ▪︎¤▪︎Skaoi Kvitravn ▪︎¤▪︎ #Work #Depression # Burnout

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☆ " Welp! Apparently I Was Extremely Rude To Some Entitled Customer's Today... "☆ #ImTheTargetOfEverything

• " Today Was A Busy Day.. And Like Alway's I Get Undecisive People.. I Only Raised My Voice Because I Have My Mask On... And These People That I Get Are Ethier On Thier Cell Phone's Not Paying Attention... To What They Want To Order.. And My Boss Is Alway's Yapping In The Office.. Not Paying Attention To What Goe's On.. I Had A Line Of Customer's... To Deal With... So I Was Trying To Move Them Quickly... And I Got 2 Whiney Customer's Saying That I Was Being Rude.. Since When Do People Complain About.. Everything... By Doing That Constantly To Get Free Thing's OK Whatever... Me Being Yelled At Everyday Is Now Getting Annoying. " • #frustrating Day ▪︎ Skaoi Kvitravn ▪︎

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☆ " So I Enjoyed My 2 Day's Off " ☆ #PeopleAreLazy

° " I Was Supposed To Be Off Today Also. But Got Called Into Work At 6AM... Because Three People Didn't Want To Work.. My Day Was Already Planned And Now I Get Yelled At By My Family.. That I Need To Call Them Constantly... Like No I'm Not... Just Because I Went Silent Like I Alway's Do. When I Have My Day's Off. I Don't Want To Be One Of Those People That Are Seemly Needy For Every Little Thing. It's Starting To Become Smoothering To Me.. Having To Check In Like I'm A Teenager. And My Brother Today Was Like Oh U Only Call When You Need Something... Like Wtf. Atleast I Called Since They Alway's Think The Worst. Like They Don't Seem To Understand That I Really Hate Having To Depend On Family.. For Little Thing's. And That's One Of The Thing's That Trigger Me From My Mother. Having To Take Care Of People. Or Getting Them Thing's.. Etc. They Get Mad If I Don't Call. Like Some People Truly Get Annoyed If They Get Bugged All Day. For Little Thing's. And I'm Just Not Going To Do That. My Sister In Law.. Make's Me Check In At Night. Like I'm A Teenager. I Don't Go Anywhere Unless I Really Have Too. I Know They Just Love And Care. But Where Was All That When I Was Growing Up. I Don't Need It Now. " ° #frustrating ▪︎ S.K. ▪︎

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° " So My Confidence Is At A New Low Currently... " ° #Thought 's

° " I Had A Good Work Day... Until People Start Doubting My Work Ethic... And My Task's. It Was The End Of My Shift And My Boss Pissed Me Off... By Telling Me Did I Go Clean The Women's And Men's Restroom's. I Told Her Yes.. And Then She's Like Are You Sure Because I'm Going To Go Check. Like Wth I Have Been Litterly Running Around All Day... Playing Cashier And Cleaner .. Server. That Got Me At A New Low Like I Work Harder Than Anyone At My Job. And Now I'm Being Questioned. They Don't Trust Me To Keep The Restaurant Clean At All Time's. And With The Cash Register. I Really Feel That These People Are Very Paranoid About Everything. And That Just's Show's Me That Human's Are At A New Low. " ° #frustrating Thought's ☆▪︎ S. K. ▪︎☆

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The pain is back

I have been on a trip to see my boyfriend for the last week and for some reason my back decided to flare up. It is so frustrating that the pain seems to come at the worst moments! I don’t get to see him often and I really wanted to enjoy this time with him. Instead I find myself crying because of pain and having to “take it easy” rather than doing something fun. He is very supportive but m can’t help but think that I am bringing down the mood and limiting us from doing things… it is so frustrating because I try everything to reduce the pain that I feel but nothing works and then I stress about it and the pain just gets worse! It’s a downwards spiral. Feeling frustrated and almost like a slave to my pain. Anyone else feel this way sometimes? #BackPain #frustrating


× " So I Went To The SSA Office Today And Cleaned My Apt " × #frustrating Day

× " So I Spent 2 Hour's Just To Get An Appointment For SSA. Hopefully They Will Call.... Tomarrow Because They Wasted So Much Of My Day.. I Have To Work Tomarrow Morning.. This New Lady That Will Be My New Boss Didn't Even Have A Meeting With Me... So I'm Just Going To Show Up And Just Work.. I'm So Frustrated And Annoyed With My New Land Lord She's Now Saying That She Rented Me The Apartment As Is. Without Fixing Anything On Her End.. I Presonally Purchased My Own 2 Set's Of Dead Bolt Lock's For My Door's. " × #Thought 's ☆ SKADI ☆


Frustrated? Secret?

Could anyone explain how I can connect and or get help here? It's starting to feel like Facebook? #help #TBI #BrainInjury #frustrating #confused

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Why do they make these so hard to open?

Any tips? I'm going to request to never get this packaging again. The last thing I want to be doing is fighting packaging when I have a migraine 😒
#ChronicIllness #axialSpondyloarthritis #Arthritis #InflammatoryArthritis #IBS #Migraine #frustrating #Medication



Okay, after repeated chat requests from complete strangers, and reports from other Mighties that the same thing is ALSO happening to them REPEATEDLY, I seem to have no alternative but just to block people who DM me before they've ever spoken to me any other way. #frustrating #safeplace ?


As per my #Therapist request

I have an amazing therapist. Do i like what she has to say all of the time? Absolutely not. Thats only part of what makes her great because shes honestand understands me really well. Thats incredibly important when seeking a therapist. Thats also why, although i dont want to do this, I'm still honoring her request for me to #Justbe with my thoughts and feelings. So, without further adieu, here we go...


....anytime now....


All i can truly think about right now is how i have ao much to work on. I know that everything happens in due time. However, just like any other human, i too experience irrational impatience. Imagine for me if you will that you know how to cook. You have done it before and and know every step. You can even walk someone else through the process of the recepie, but when you step into the kitchen, the only ingredients you have for dinner are half a pound of corn starch, pepper, and a banana. ....the hell are you supposed to do with that?

Thats how i feel. #ifeel like i have the knowledge, but the lemons life gave me are really killing the #vibes that i know i should be able to roll with. I know thats a lot of #Pressure to put on yourself. #iknow . It still doesnt stop being #frustrating .

when you feel like youre stuck in a box with the best and worst versions of yourself and they are having their own personal fight club?

#Anxiety #Paranoia #PTSD #Epilepsy #iknowitgetsbetter #ithasto

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