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it's here again

can somebody take this feeling away, this pain, this loneliness and tell why i'm feeling this. i want it to stop..please i'm tired #Anxiety #Depression #Loneliness #helplesslyhoping


I just want to give up - i can’t do this anymore

I’m feeling so low , I feel like nothing , no motivational quote or my psychologist , family or friends can say that can change my mind about my feelings. I’ve been to a clinic and am going for therapy ...but nothings working. I don’t like saying I want to die , but I feel it...
nothing in my life is positive. I just moved out of my house cause of my dad. He is a narcissistic and aggressive person that has negatively impacted my life.
I can’t deal with these feelings anymore and i feel there’s no way out of it . Obviously there is ...but i’m just so down all the time i can’t think progressively ...

#depressed #helplesslyhoping

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Suicide #DepressiveEpisodes #Anxiety #lost #helplesslyhoping

Suicide has been on my mind a lot more , tried committing suicide a year ago before my 10th grade year. I’m a junior in high school now. After my attempt on suicide I decided to be stronger and to overcome depression. It has now came back, negative thoughts overflowing in my mind. I can’t help but to think negative. I’ve come down to cutting now as one of my getaways. I don’t like letting anyone know because I feel like I would hurt them. My cousin who is also suicidal tried commuting suicide on Thursday , it’s been hard for me knowing how she felt. It impacted me and now all I can think about is that I should change my perspective. It’s so hard right now to. Depression is coming after me slowly .. #help


Being mentally ill

Being mentally ill is such a weird state of mind. Some days I want to live for all my friends that have died by suicide & some days I’d rather join them in the ground of universal peace & eternity. Every day is a struggle. Every second, minute, hour. Sometimes I really don’t know how I make it through, but I do. Day in and day out I’m still here. Am I really living or just idly going through the every day motions on auto pilot? I wish I knew. I wish I had help. I wish someone could understand my brain. Hell, I wish I could understand my own brain and feelings.. #Anxiety #Depression #SuicideOnTheBrain #helplesslyhoping


A Boss Who Cares

I had my job interview today and I got the job! Not only that but my boss was interested in what diagnoses I have and how she could help. I also now have a lot of room if I need to call into work and say I am not feeling good and it will be totally okay! Never had a boss like this and I am feeling very excited!
I wish it was more than minimum pay but I have to remember that it is more than I would have had otherwise!
A bit worried about having to drive farther than I have previously had to for work (30min. to and 30min. back) but the working environment is so pleasant that I know I can rest easy that my pain won't be too exacerbated. PLEASE let this job be as wonderful for me as I dream!
Too many things my pain has taken away from me. Fingers crossed this one won't be one of them!

As ones who aren't in peak condition, we have to savor these little things!
#Blessed #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #Arthritis #Fibromyalgia #helplesslyhoping