Hey there, how’s everyone? I was just laying awake as usual at 3:30 am in the morning cause I’m up chatting with our good ol pal insomnia. Then I think oh let me get on The Mighty it’s become my favorite app next to Facebook. I love that I can come here and complain and not feel judged or find others who understands me more than my own family, shoot you guys are practically family I think I spend more time chatting here than I do with home family. I hope yesterday was ok as it could’ve been, I hope you were given a reason to smile. I love you all Incase you hadn’t heard it yesterday or I’d like to be the first to tell you today. Your amazing, strong, wonderful and worth so much too me #Love #TheMighty #strong #worthy #Loved #Lupus #Insomnia #Appreciation #Family #Blessed #HighlyFavored #Iloveyou #OpalLovesYou #ChronicallyFablous #chronicallyill #ChronicIllness #YouDeserveItAll