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Does Anyone Else Have Anxiety And Depression At Same Time??

Today I'm having a double dose of mainline mental disorders: Generalized Anxiety And Depression!! I STILL haven't figured out how these two seemingly Opposites in the Mental Health division ( mine!),can be present Together!? But they Are "in" me! Too many times to ignore completely,but my med appt is Next Monday,the 19th,so I'll get to bring it up-again!! If an increase of Seroquel pops up-again!- I just may throw a hissy fit! IF it Won't hurry me to Psych. Hospital!!, It's just plain weird to feel all the Anxiety AND Depression feelings at the Same Time! What and How will I? treat the One That's Uppermost in my mind? What if they're BOTH high?!?!What if I'm just Imagining it?! What If???!!
#MentalHealth ,#Bipolar 2,#Anxiety ,#PTSD ,#major Depression,#schitzoaffective disorder,#OCD ,#past Paranoid Schitzophrenia,#suicidal Thoughts,almost carried out,#Fear of most Anything,Esp.Abandonment,& going So deep in the Black Hole I 've made that I won't be able to get out of it;#FibromyalgiaDiagnosis ,#RA & Osteoarthritis,#restless Legs Syndrome,#sad -Seasonal Affective Disorder-me in both Summer and Winter,#Senior Moments(too many!),#Hissy Fits,#Inability To Know When To SHUT UP!!.


This is gonna be my first post ever.

I’m going make it short and sweet.....maybe sour alittle.

Write down a paragraph, chapter if you have to about one word.....Pragmatic.

Please. I want to know more, anyone else struggling with the same thing? Communication disorders? How do they treat you? How do you approach? How do you respond?

I’ll make more posts later by because I’m looking over my shoulders constantly hurrying to meet the end. Please share everything you can think of or know of. #CommunicationDisorder #Communication #Pragmatic #Paradoxical Contradiction #stuckinthemiddle #Inability to communicate