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I'm new here!

Hi, my name is Shadow. I'm here because I need to connect with people who understand what it's like to live with several chronic illnesses.

#MightyTogether #Anxiety #Depression #Migraine #Fibromyalgia #Meniere #Osteoarthritis

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Laundry list of medical problems

Type 2 diabetes, migraines, ulcerative colitis, bile salts diarrhea secondary to gallbladder surgery, chronic constipation, chronic refractory yeast infections, chronic UTI, bursitis in both hips, impingement on both hips, polyarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, failed back surgery, schizoaffective, borderline personality disorder, CPTSD, DID

So if you think I don't need a caregiver, maybe just keep it to yourself.

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What's even normal?

I have #POTS , #EhlersDanlosSyndrome , #Fibromyalgia , #Osteoarthritis ,#ADHD , #AutismSpectrumDisorder and all the digestive issues that go along with most of those. So, I don't know what's normal and what's not. I sometimes get a tight, contraction like feeling in my abdomen. Does this happen to anyone else?

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I'm new here!

Hi, my name is IlzeS. I'm here because I have suffered with Fibromyalgia for almost 40 years. Only got diagnosed in 2015 together with Severe Osteoarthritis throughout my body, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes and had become paralysed in the 90's with GBS.Though God did a wonderful thing in my life, I am walking and doing well. I got Covid twice, and now have Long Haul Covid. Had Pnuemonia so many times that my lungs are damaged and had 5 Unstable Angina Attacks. God has been good to me but find that people do not understand and make me feel bad as Im not walking in complete healing. I did not choose to have all these issues, though Im humbled and depend so much on Jesus to get me through the days and weeks, I just want to be abled to talk to others who understand what Im going through. Thats why I'm here.#MightyTogether #Fibromyalgia

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New Here

Hi everyone! New here. Just over a year ago (Spring 2023) I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, Type 2 Diabetes, Osteoarthritis in ankles, feet, knees, hips, wrists, hands, just about every joint, and Rosacea. Prior to that the only thing I had to deal with was depression. Those were the days!! LOL Now I am on so many medications, which really bothers me. I work full time. I am tired all the time, not to mention sore. Hubby says he understands, but I don't think he REALLY understands. Our adult kids certainly don't get it. I guess I am hoping to follow along with others who may be feeling the same as myself, both physically and mentally. Some days I just want an 'out of order' sign for my forehead.

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I feel overthrown by this disease at times. My husband is financially supportive but lacks quite a bit of emotional intelligence and inquisitiveness to educate himself about fibromyalgia. My family has since past. I have degenerative disks and osteoarthritis. I'm scared now but far more scared of my future. Pain completely has the ability to disrupt my mental stability at times since I was a sufferer of anxiety, depression, and PTST long before my car accident and cervical spine surgery. Why are so many doctors so dismissive and flat out ignorant to this disease. It's like fighting a war without any soldiers.#flabbergasted #bewildered #bamboozled #hoodwinked

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I so want to visit my grandsons and his family one more time as I my osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis , scoliosis, and spondylosis

Do you think I can find the strength and struggles to see my son and his 2 incredible handsome little boys

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