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Kallmann syndrome / congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (CHH) - when a "late bloomer" does not bloom.

Kallmann syndrome / CHH is a rare hormonal condition that affects puberty. Patients do not start or fully complete puberty.

There are a number of other physical symptoms that are associated with the condition, most notably perhaps, a lack of sense of smell (anosmia) which is the defining symptom of Kallmann syndrome but not found in CHH.

Aside from the physical problems that may arise from having hypogonadism it is the psychological problems that patients face which are often overlooked.

Not having a normal puberty and adolesence, especially in those patients who are diagnosed late can lead to problems in forming emotional and physical relationships. It can be an embarrassing condition to talk about which does not help in social confidence.

Most patients are able to overcome the shyness or lack of confidence but it can take time. Being infertile is also a major problem for some. Even though fertility treatments are available they are not always easy to obtain.

#puberty #KallmannSyndrome #Infertility #Anosmia #latebloomer #psychology


Kallmann syndrome is not the same as delayed puberty (or I am not a late bloomer).

A common theme with rare disorders is the delay of diagnosis.

I was seen as being a "late bloomer" when I had not started puberty by the age of 16. Even though I had two of the extra symptoms, lack of sense of smell and poor hearing, I had to wait until I was 23 before I got the correct diagnosis and was put on testosterone treatment.

Late diagnosis and treatment can make such a different to fellow patients.

Even with treatment patients do not experience normal puberty and would require extra treatment if fertility is desired.

One issue patients can experience is that we are mixed up with "late puberty" patients. Some people assume that after treatment all is normal.

Delayed puberty patients can experience normal puberty after a short course of treatment and will experience normal puberty and be fertile. Patients with Kallmann syndrome (male and female) do not experience normal puberty, will need life long hormone treatment and require specialist hormone treatment if they wish to be fertile.

#testosterone #kallmann #puberty #Infertility #latebloomer

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My invisible condition - Kallmann syndrome / no puberty.

I have Kallmann syndrome. To anybody else, I look like any other regular person perhaps a few years older than my real age.

I was termed a "late bloomer" when in fact I never went through puberty at all. Hormone replacement therapy now has helped with some of the physical development and at least I look at bit older but I still am still underdeveloped physically and emotionally.

I am still infertile, though that could be corrected with specialist hormone replacement therapy.

I am shy, prefer my own company and find it very difficult to be around other people socially or at work. Nobody can see why I should be shy and quiet and it is really only fellow patients that can understand how I feel.

Missing out on both puberty and adolescence has left a big hole in my life that I have found impossible to fill.

#nopuberty #KallmannSyndrome #latebloomer #testosterone #MyCondition