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# surgery yesterday- # thankful for husband, siblings #Friends - heard from 4

Feeling lonely- glad i have my husband and siblings- w/o them- have heard from no one else- I am happy for the relationships i have- be nice to hear from friends- maybe they think I am resting and feel they are bothering so maybe this is why they have stayed away today.
More like the truth is they are busy in their own lives. My siblings who have grown adult children and grandchildren- and some have spouses - heard from all of them- all 5 of them/. My friends- best ever since I had my issues- heard from 4 the day before the surgery- one or two I contacted- but they contacted me back to wish me well- that counts.

But it is two days after my surgery I have heard from no friends- only my siblings- who sent flowers- beautiful bouquet of flowers-and my husband- who is helping me- today o am glad for what I got- can’t help but feel a little lonely- but that goes w the territory-

I grew up in a big family and used to a lot of people around. Now in my older adult life- I am typically alone- alone at home w my husband- who typically does his own thing. But today I am grateful for whatever I can get from him- and trying to be grateful for my life as it is-I think I am.

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Hello. Im new

Hi, my name is Gabriel. Sorry my English isn't so good because my first language is Spanish... I have ocd and anxiety with agoraphobia... I feel so lonely and lost, I want to help, and have some friends

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I'm new here!

Hi, my name is Ague11. I'm here because I have ocd and anxiety with agoraphobia. My English isn't so good because my first language is Spanish but I can speak English slowly... I feel so lonely with my disorder, I want some friends and don't be alone. I have a lot of knowledge of the disorder... maybe I can help other. I just want to help

#MightyTogether #OCD #Anxiety

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Did I just agree to meet my mother tomorrow?
I think I will need cheering up big time.
I struggle to be open and honest at the best of times with my friends or therapist.
But with my mother it's tougher.
What else?
Some people say being open is good. Some say being private is best
Being open enough to get support is good I think. As long as it's not too personal.
I'm so lonely.
Waiting for money to come from benefits.

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Spring time

Rebirth of the, flowers and trees.
Birth of the new, mammals and bees.
A fresh start for natures children.
For humans, that is a fiction.

With little snow, still on the ground.
At the edge of life all around.
Snow reminds me of my struggles.
In bed, I just want to wallow.

Springs fresh new start,
Oh my lonely heart.
Chasm between.
Future unseen.

The birds return within their flocks.
I can’t find my brand new socks.
I feel like I’m trapped, in a box.
I can’t even keep straight my thoughts.

I know there’s joy within spring time.
My loneliness on a big sign.
I should get out, enjoy the day.
Push my thoughts far away .
#lonlyness #mightpoets

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Newbie here!

Hello! I am Novastarr 😊. I found this app after reading a post about loneliness in an MS Society email. I have been pretty down and out lately, wanting to do nothing but play games on my iPad. I go days at a time without checking my email or doing anything slightly resembling productivity. I’m glad I got motivated today and found this group to give me somewhere to express myself to people who understand it all!

#MultipleSclerosis #Quadriplegic #Depression #Anxiety #Diabetes #PeripheralNeuropathy #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #Migraine #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease

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I’m new here!

Hi, my name is Socratesmall. I am here just to be connected with someone else. I have been feeling lonely for a long time,and always wandering if there anyone can really understand me ?


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