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# over sharing #Anxiety

Well, I did it again. Over shared. Is this anxiety?? Or mania? Or just plain lack of control ? I think anxiety- but could maybe be mania.

On fb my husband’s boss posted a picture of her 2 kids- saying they were her valentines 💘-
I liked the main picture. That wasn’t enough I went and liked each individual picture too ! There were about 5 or 6 pictures.

Granted: not the end of the world. But coupled w my post on the app in my area - where my husband’s boss lives too- it is quite excessive. On both counts. Oh no. Let it go.

Live and learn- I made a audience selection for future posts to exclude my husband’s boss. This doesn’t do anything for the app where I posted re a recent issue re a celebrity-

Working on letting both of these instances go. It takes a little time—
Hope you can bare w me in the event I may bring each or both of these instances up again- 🙁😟😔

Working on letting these instances go and staying off both fb and the app in my area for now.

Hope everyone had a nice weekend.

Worked today. Had a difficult time as usual. Hard. Not as hard as it could be but for 73 soon to be 74 - w no children - seems to be not necessary-
But you know- when I come home i feel really good. I feel like i accomplished something. And this individual i work for is extremely wonderful.. so, hard to beat.

And btw- it was my therapist who encouraged me to drop the idea of me trying to negotiate a raise- I went w her opinion-
And today/ i think I was wrong- i should have negotiated/ I go to the library on my own time for this job- and I use my own funds to purchase supplies for this individual- i definitely should have negotiated-

Maybe that stint I did on that celebrity- TS- helped me to realize. - not to doubt myself.
Next time- if there is a next time-/

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I have anxiety so bad that i have to take medication for paranoia. I guess i don’t have to but to stay w my psychiatrist i do. She also prescribes anxiety medication.

I did something unlike me. I think I may have been a little overly excited- maybe one would say: manic. Maybe - not horrible- manic

But I posted on a very public website “ I am upset Taylor Swift got booed at the Super Bowl. She is the epitome of everything good.”

And I got a lot of negativity-not at first-

But then I said” for someone who is a big of a contributor and as good as a role model as Taylor swift is for women young and old : wives, sisters and daughters to be booed - is Wow!

And I got a lot of negativity

_after I said the second part-some one said they were a bunch of people drunk and having fun watching the Game- they would have booed Santa Clause- why are you so upset?

Then I responded-
I’m ok. I think it sad. And I think Taylor Swift is remarkable.

Then a said- a bad commentary

Then a said- a sad commentary-
Only 2 people hearted my comment re some who is such. A contributor-… Wow-

And only one person hearted that I was ok.

I realize after this - a few people in the general public care/. The people who care are youe family and friends-and hopefully a site like this.

I have issues w paranoia -bc i have a hard time interpreting things. I am afraid- that I come off being a sounding/ looney- emotional-

I called my friend- I asked her how it sounded/ she was not much help-

I think I am ok now- I painted a little-

But do you think what I said sounded emotional? Or too emotional-borderline-crazy?

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I am certainly not bragging- but my life is good-now. For how long- I do not know.

One thing I do know my life has been s$$t much when I was younger and enough times in my life-
Now it is good! Maybe i should not shout to the rooftops- I don’t-
But today was a good day.
Do you call this manic?
Not me.
I call it simply my life is good ( today) - and i celebrate in a healthy way -

Yesterday-it simply was lacking

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Coming down from a manic phase and starting to feel depressed

I feel tired and confused. But I am journalling and trying to do some meditation.

See full photo

Mixed mania

Does anyone else suffer from bipolar mixed mania? A psychiatrist explained it to me during one of my hospitalizations. It’s also known as agitated depression. I am extremely irritated. It started yesterday, when my son asked for help with disability paperwork. I kept snapping, apologizing, then snapping again. I felt like breaking things. To be clear, there’s nothing going on to make me this way. It’s all internal. My husband was sharing some really interesting information with me this morning. But in my brain, I felt like he was shouting and I wished he would shut up. I don’t want this. I don’t like myself this way.

Yesterday, I painted and wrote a poem that I posted here. But I can’t be creative every day. Any advice?

#Bipolar #Mixed mania

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I miss #SchizoaffectiveDisorder mania episodes

Last year I tapered off my meds believing my mental illness was cured..2 months later I was in full blown mania episode which lasted months,hospital got me back on my meds and im stable.. but I sometimes crave the manic me,im so creative in journaling and poetry and I'm just the me who feels nothing!!

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