# over sharing #Anxiety
Well, I did it again. Over shared. Is this anxiety?? Or mania? Or just plain lack of control ? I think anxiety- but could maybe be mania.
On fb my husband’s boss posted a picture of her 2 kids- saying they were her valentines 💘-
I liked the main picture. That wasn’t enough I went and liked each individual picture too ! There were about 5 or 6 pictures.
Granted: not the end of the world. But coupled w my post on the app in my area - where my husband’s boss lives too- it is quite excessive. On both counts. Oh no. Let it go.
Live and learn- I made a audience selection for future posts to exclude my husband’s boss. This doesn’t do anything for the app where I posted re a recent issue re a celebrity-
Working on letting both of these instances go. It takes a little time—
Hope you can bare w me in the event I may bring each or both of these instances up again- 🙁😟😔
Working on letting these instances go and staying off both fb and the app in my area for now.
Hope everyone had a nice weekend.
Worked today. Had a difficult time as usual. Hard. Not as hard as it could be but for 73 soon to be 74 - w no children - seems to be not necessary-
But you know- when I come home i feel really good. I feel like i accomplished something. And this individual i work for is extremely wonderful.. so, hard to beat.
And btw- it was my therapist who encouraged me to drop the idea of me trying to negotiate a raise- I went w her opinion-
And today/ i think I was wrong- i should have negotiated/ I go to the library on my own time for this job- and I use my own funds to purchase supplies for this individual- i definitely should have negotiated-
Maybe that stint I did on that celebrity- TS- helped me to realize. - not to doubt myself.
Next time- if there is a next time-/