Small moments that matter #GAD #Anxiety #BPD #MDDWITHANXIETY #ChronicIllness #Fibromyalgia
Today I had the privilege of taking my kids to "work" on a horse ranch. The owners and their niece (pictured) were so nice and "helping" was more like brushing the horses and walking them to the pasture to graze. It was such a beautiful experience.
The best part... no pain today. No anxiety today. No sadness or fatigue. No tension or nausea or sickness of any kind.
I am so grateful for these days. These small moments where I can just be. Just be a mom. Just be a wife. Just be a friend. Just enjoy life. Just make new memories. Just be Jocelyn.
I don't know what tomorrow will be like but in God's word, he tells us not to be anxious about tomorrow for today has enough of its own issues.
So I'm just go to revel in today and the small but powerful moments of peace and joy I got to experience today.
I pray you all have those moments too.