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I feel like the app support system on mobile is bugged, maybe that’s just me /nm /nbr

Sorry if this doesn’t really go here, but I’m not sure where else to post because of this reason. I’ve submitted a suggestion 15 weeks ago and received no response. I reposted the same thing a week or two ago about the same thing, still no response. That and I use a new email but it keeps saying it’s to my old one that I no longer use.

Sorry, I might delete this..

/nm (not mad) /nbr (not being rude)

#AppSupport #MentalHealth #MightyApp

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Trouble shooting the mighty app on android

Had a few questions lately so I thought I'd post this.

First of all if you're on Android 11 you should check to see if there's an Android 11 update.

You should check to see if there's a mighty update we've been updating a lot lately and add a new features so always checks to see if there's a new update by going to the Play store and it will either say open or update if it's update then update

If that doesn't fix your problem you can hold the mighty icon down until the little mini pops up and either click the circled 'I: or app info

That will bring up the Mighty and me apps page

Then you can click clear memory and clear cache and restart your phone.

You will have to re login again.

This will fix a lot of problems especially if there's been an update recently.

And after that you can uninstall and then reset your phone and then reinstall.

And this should fix most common problems.

Also if you're having problems with the post button doesn't work or your post and disappear when you post them it could be connection problems as well as notifications not showing up in this that is connections with the server and you should check your internet make sure other programs are working as well.

This not this is not to say that all problems are yours sometimes the server is busy or we're having connection problems can cause all this too please just wait a little while and try again later.


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Nobody Knows #MightyPoets

Nobody Knows that I exist.
Nobody Knows about my pains that persist.
Nobody Knows what's on my mind.
Nobody Knows what I've left behind.
Nobody cares they just act like they do.
They think I don't know, buy it's sadly true.

Been through so much, haven't we all?
Is there really a God on who we can call?
I don't know much, all I do is think.
Can you imagine a captain happening to sink.
Well I've reached the brink of my sanity.

- 🐝🍯


Most common user reactions 3 reactions 32 comments

How do I find comments on my posts? #MightyApp

I know there is a comment to a post I made on a thread because a notification popped up briefly. Now I cannot find it. Anywhere. Frustrated and finding the app hard to use.


When MIGHTY We Finally Get This?!?!? #MightyApp #android

It has been a considerable amount of time since the Apple App for The Mighty has been released. While it's nice that there's finally an app, Android users are left in the dark. Many of us complained when the announcement came that the Mighty was releasing an app only on the Apple platform. The Mighty has been a place for patients of all walks of life to communicate and share their stories together, making a difference in our own and others lives. Many of us as patients are unable to work and thus unable to afford a premium Apple device and many of us much prefer the Android OS and the specific device manufacturers of Android devices. So it starts to feel kind of discriminatory after a while. We're already into a new year now. Still nothing. It leaves so many of us feeling disconnected and like we're being judged as inferior because we don't bow to the almighty (no pun intended) Apple. It's pretty disheartening as a contributor when the majority of people who you interact with do so via Android. I understand development takes time, however any reputable association and media company today releases apps on multiple platforms at once. It's fine to offer a beta experience on one or the other as they near completion, but to just release one isn't acceptable. I hope to see some changes for the better in 2019. #TheMighty #really #letsgetwithit


Not able to ‘see more’ on #MightyApp ?

Just wondering if anyone else is having issues on the app with not being able to click ‘see more’ on comments/replied?

#MightyQuestions #Admin