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A few of the symptoms I struggle with right now is the fatigue, pain, depression . #NotDoneYet #Depression #InvisibleDisability #ChronicIllness helpful tips?

I literally pass out and waking up makes me want to cry. My question is does it how do others handle it? My mind is fighting the pain from inflammation and pins and needles feeling in my head. I’ve been isolating myself so I don’t snap, but I’m never getting anything done.
Not good enough

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Spending time in nature is both relaxing and deeply healing.

It can provide some much needed nourishment for the mind, body and soul! Nature can help us to feel revitalised, and often helps provide us with a fresh perspective when we feel a bit stuck in a situation or negative mindset.
Unfortunately in today’s modern world, we often fail to spend time in nature due to an increasing amount of time spent indoors – often in front of screens. As technology continues to progress, it is very easy to get caught up in this ‘cyber world’ as we become addicted to our tablets and mobile phones.
Also, when living with a chronic illness it’s not always that easy to get outdoors. Just getting out of bed can use up a huge amount of energy, so getting out of the house can be a step too far on some days. However, on the ‘better’ days, I find that spending time outside in nature has a positive effect on how I feel.
Getting outdoors allows us to take a break from the monotony of living with chronic illness, as well as slowing down our busy minds. Paying attention to beautiful things such as pretty flowers or a clear blue sky can be incredibly calming.
From my own personal experience in living with a chronic illness, I have found that spending time in nature has helped to ease painful sensations in my body and calm my mind. Rather than focusing on what is wrong or feeling helpless and frustrated by my situation, it has helped me to refocus my attention on all the wonderful things we so often take for granted.
Often we find our minds are elsewhere thinking about all sorts of other things. Also, when our bodies are in pain or our mood is low it can be really hard to switch off from all of this.
Something I have found helpful when learning to switch off and “connect” with nature is to tune in to your senses – so paying attention to what you can see, smell, hear, and touch.This can really help you to be mindful and to start appreciating what is going on around you. Simple things will make a difference, such as noticing all the colours you can see as you look around at the flowers, plants, trees and sky; listening to the sound of the birds singing; touching the leaves on the trees; and even taking time to smell the flowers.
When I first became ill with Addisons Disease, Chiari, POTS, Brain/CNS Tumors, Diabetes, Livedo Reticularis, Migrains, Chronic Fatigue and pain (and I was forced to slow down), it really occurred to me just how much I’d been caught up in the busyness of modern day life – by living life on a my feet working two full time jobs without really noticing what was going on around me. My illness has forced me to slow down. #NotDoneYet #natureheals


What’s an important thing to consider as you enter old age? #525smallthings #NotDoneYet #IFindStrenght #InvisibleDisability

entering old age can be fun, but it will depend upon attitude and gratitude. I find gratitude always makes the best attitude—even in my older years.
I don’t know of any elderly person who disagrees with this saying: “Old age isn’t for wimps or sissies.” After reaching older age, this has even more impact with the older I get. These years seem to bring more smiles from others when I smile first.
Things have started to take a little more time, and with health conditions, it usually takes longer to heal.
Remaining young at heart and realizing I made it to this age brings me gratitude.

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Shame on you!” #NotDoneYet #Shame

How many times did you hear those words as a child?

As children, our teachers would shame us for doing something naughty in class, just as our parents and peer group would occasionally shame us – sometimes intentionally, sometimes unintentionally. The experience certainly wasn’t pleasant, but the shame was temporary and it quickly passed.
We all experience shame sooner or later. Some people even argue that shame is useful because it keeps law and order within our societies by preventing offenders from harming others.

So what’s the big deal?
While shame is a normal (and extremely painful) emotion to go through, it becomes abnormal and highly destructive when we internalize and carry it with us.
What is Toxic Shame?
“Toxic shame” is a term that was first coined by psychologist Silvan Tomkins in the 1960s. Unlike normal shame, toxic shame stays buried within the mind and becomes a part of our self-identity. In other words, a person suffering from toxic shame will experience a chronic sense of worthlessness, low self-esteem, and self-loathing – all connected to the belief that they are innately “shameful” or “bad.” Toxic shame is the internalized and buried shame that rots within us.
Connecting with your inner child is one way to overcome some of this self-destructive attitude.


When I’m in pain #NotDoneYet #IFindStrenght #BrainPain

When I’m in pain — physical or emotional — the kindest thing I can do for myself is…

Be kind to myself.

Seems simple, but we (I) are our own worst critics. We think we shouldn’t be slowed down or hindered by physical or emotional disruptions in the force (haha). But seriously, being kind to myself is the best gift I can give to myself. It’s hard to do at times though.
If a good friend or family member was going through the exact same struggles I am, I would see all the brave and beautiful things about that person and would urge them to be kind to themselves. So, the challenge to myself is to see the brave and beautiful things about myself during times of struggle… and be kind. It sounds kinda weird but my focus shifts from myself in away.

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letting go of my prior self. #NotDoneYet #LifelimitingIllness

I know I cannot let this go on any longer. I am sure it’s not good for my health. I’ve thought I had come to terms with my illnesses many times. This circle of sadness needs to be put to bed and not brought out any longer. I need to be stronger, keep going, fight and no longer look back.

But I doubt it will happen. I’m sure all of us have something we just can’t let go; unfortunately for me it’s my prior self.
Just another part of this chronic illness life.


Do you respect the mind-body connection? #Stress #AddisonsDisease #NotDoneYet #IFindStrength

Try to focus your attention on a single thought or phrase and let go of the jumbled thoughts that are crowding your mind. Spending even a few minutes in meditation may help you feel calmer and less frazzled.
Your brain comes hard-wired with an alarm system for your protection. When your brain perceives a threat, it signals your body to release a burst of hormones that increase your heart rate and raise your blood pressure. This "fight-or-flight" response fuels you to deal with the threat. People with Addisons Disease have to take replacement hormones and try to find alternative means to cope.


Attitude Adjustment #NotDoneYet

Remember, most of your stress comes from the way you respond, not the way life is. Adjust your attitude, and all that extra stress is gone
#52SmallThings #IFindStrenght

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My masking, I can change my appearances each day. #NotDoneYet #IFindStrenght

IF you use Facebook, you would never be able to discern my periods of intense pain, anxiety, Brain fog and depression from the times when I was feeling pretty good.

Instead, you’ll find posts that suggest I’m in an apparently constant state of joy and accomplishment: Photos of my family on hikes, park trails , beachs and crafts with my niece and nephews, and kids. Much of this happiness was real. And much of it was totally manufactured. The truth is that what people post on social media often has very little to do with their inner state of mind. You don't post about how bad your pain is, that you've been in bed for two days, or definitely not photos of you on a bad day. That you've fallen and had a seizer in the shower again and your kids had to stay there naked mom out of the shower floor.

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how insurance companies will sometimessage use their evaluation of your claims,” “That led me to thinking about what a potentially irresponsible and risky thing that is, particularly pertaining to invisibleillness for several reasons: for one, people rarely post pictures of themselves in the throes of panic and anxiety attacks or grieving, being stuck in bed and crying in pain, curating the perfect picture of yourself on social media is kind of the purpose of social media.”
When i scroll through my Facebook feed “and counted the pictures where I look happy and well-adjusted but was really struggling. We must remember that ab collection of photos offers a few important reminders. First, far too often, we see other people shining on social media, and we assume that they, and everyone for that matter, are far happier than we are. They have more friends and better relationships. They’re more fulfilled by their jobs and definitely more successful. Their kids never act like insatiable devils, and they actually love their in-laws.

This cycle is exhausting. It is the damaging effects of social media on invisible illnesses. This influence is only amplified by the fact that it’s easy (and expected) to post fun, light experiences, but it feels overbearing to share your experiences with the darker sides of life. Posting about depression, ,brain fog, tumors and even cancer makes you feel weak, and less of a person.

Depression negatively affects your memory in a number of ways, including making it difficult to recall happy memories in general and especially positive memories about yourself,”. So even if you’re in the midst of a painful period in life, there’s nothing wrong with taking a photo of yourself at dinner with friends or having fun on your vacation. You can be unhappy and a little bit happy, too.
they reveal not only the universality of pain, but also the overwhelming fear that we have of being seen at our worst. Even more profoundly, they reveal the beauty of a person who is unwell, but wants to be able to imagine themselves as better. One who is trying, in their way, to heal. When we’re at a personal low,


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#natureheals #Family #keepfighting What Makes You Smile? #NotDoneYet

One of the best things you can do in life is smile. It is like eating your favorite dessert - instantly brings you happiness! With recent events, it is safe to say a lot of people are stressed. Not only does it not feel good, but it also isn't good for us. That's why it is important to find the one thing that makes you smile regardless of what is going on around you!