Instead of working on my homework because my brain was too stressed to even attempt to do math, yesterday I cleaned and organized and de-cluttered my room quite a bit. Unfortunately I am now completely out of spoons today and am having to catch up on work.
But, something good came out of it. I organized my plant area and now have a pretty little set up by the window.
Those plants I’ll need to repot soon, but it’s cute for now! I also have roses from my girlfriend, and stones/crystals from my girlfriend and friends.
But now I’m exhausted, out of all motivation and attempting to grudgingly get coursework done that my brain is not down for.
Ugh. I wish I just had like 5 more spoons every day than I normally do. I’d get so much more done like walk up and down the stairs.
I’m so exhausted.
Oh and my heart rate has been above 110 since 5am when I woke up and I’ve been sitting almost this whole time. I’ve clicked my heart monitor button 11 times this morning.
#Fibromyalgia #FibroFog #SmallFiberNeuropathy #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #PostrualOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #Tachycardia