I was listening to music today and this song came up by Imagine Dragons. I've been having a very rough time feeling unmotivated and have been down on myself. This song really helped me to put in perspective that we all have bad times...it doesn't mean we give up, it means we allow them to happen then get back to where we are at peace again. Here is a portion of the lyrics:
"....It's okay to be not okay
It's just fine to be out of your mind
Breathe in deep, just a day at a time
'Cause it's okay to be out of your mind
I don't want this body, I don't want this voice
I don't want to be here, but I guess I have no choice
Just let me live my truth, that's all I wanna do
Baby, you're not broken, just a little bit confused.
My birthday is Saturday and I am feeling a bit sad that due to all of my illnesses, my life hasn't been what I thought it would be. I've lost out on so much. And then I give myself a shake and remember everything I have to be thankful for. On Saturday I need to celebrate me, who I am now, not who I was, or the things I used to be able to do. I hope I can wake up and tell myself "Wow! I made it another year. Way to go!" And then face the day with a smile and a sense of adventure for the upcoming year. I hopefully can say " I'm okay!" #Fibromyalgia #BipolarII #Retinal Vein Occlusion #Pre -Parkisons #RestlessLegsSyndrome #OccipitalNeuralgia #ChronicDepression #intractablechronicmigrains