Relax your muscles, the doctor says, here
Again those words that make me want to laugh
If I knew how sir would I lay here now?
In hospital, out hospital, my life
Will this help me? Well, maybe, maybe not
I take the handful of pills. Then I sleep
Little lucid?..sleep, little lucid?..sleep
Take these for pain and these to relax you
But again it's sleep, no pain in the sleep
No life in the sleep, no thought in the sleep
I dream of a kiss, to wake me for good.
It's progressive, but lots that we can try
The words still echo in my mind...9 years
One little drag of a leg, at first. BEND!
I stand still, it bends. I walk, it's stiff
WHAT? BEND! My brain is telling you. BEND!BEND!
Then I fall, what happened? I was fine!
No hands went down. The floor came up to me.
Like a soldier stood too long. Now he's down
A noise...thud. anxiety, thud. THUD!THUD!
Oh my body aches, my face bleeds. Again
Why do I fall doctor? No
Don't know? . They don't know, but don't they know all?
My subconcious knows. It sees danger..panics
But reacts all wrong, judges danger wrong
Some walking in the house now, if alone
But outside my brain sees danger, cars, noises
Strange this thing. Wheelchair safe outside , no fear
No chair, my brain tells muscles no! Don't move!
I'm full of tablets, muscle relaxants
Yet still my body goes stiff, my back hunched
How easy the muscles bend the back
A rope tightens round my chest, a big one near?
A jerk. A jerk. COMING! I NEED MY BED
Tablets quick, a big one's coming . Too late.
Jumping, jerking, muscles spasming the pain!
It won't stop! Not ever, I'm sure! Breathe! Breathe!
Calm down and breathe and soon it would stop
But I can't, a snatch of breathe . Muscles stretch!
Oh how I pray for sleep , please let me sleep
Once sleep was a demon to me. No more
So much more to learn, but no one cares #Rare