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Resin earring stand for the teacher I work with. Happy World Teachers Day!

The teacher I work with is a fantastic teacher, she's still young, yet quite mature, warm and loving. She's very supportive of me and I feel grateful to work with such a wonderful lady. She is also a model, so I thought this earring stand just personifies her beauty and grace. #ArtTherapy #Teacher #recognition #blessing #Work


Accepting Differences: 3 ways to be more accepting of others

#Acceptance #recognition #others 1. Remember to breathe,if people are irritating. Don't let my thoughts be focused on unkind gestures of lashing out inflicting harm on those that annoy me.** FACT: Recognition- annoyance is temporary. I have NEVER actually lashed out and inflicted harm. Just thoughts. Couldn't actually hurt people,I'm afraid of violence..

2. Let people do what they do. It might bother me,that it's not in line with my preferences, I have no say. Not my life, no, my business. Release the need to get upset. If I don't want roommates...then work on finding a place of my own...If I'm not willing to...Then SHUT UP and deal!

3. Don't take offense when someone has a negative opinion of others...when I admire them. Defending them to the derogatory remarks of jerks...90% of the time makes no difference. They have no valid reason for their statements. They just don't care to change or try to see things(people) in a different light. Just accept this in them. Know I will not change their opinions. I won't waste my time with reactions. Try to respect the disrespectful. Don't write them off as being all bad. Just because they may be cruel in one aspect,they usually show you their good qualities in another.

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Minnesota starts the first Patient Support Group!!!

So extremely excited to share that HealthPartners along with Regions Hospital are supporting a Minnesota Lupus Support Group, which is the first in its kind in years in Minnesota! I have been grateful to have HealthPartners as my primary care team and where my rheumatologist who diagnosed me & saw me through my hardest and humbling of years. This group got started with #Gratitude #thankfulness #recognition .
I got to honor my doctor with the #giftofgratitudeaward with Regions Hospital Foundation to share my story of nearly being 15 minutes away from death from septic shock, fighting for medication insurance approvals (4K monthly), sharing how my doctor and his team including his entire staff on the rheumatology floor would fight any and all the battles to give me the best care. Including; fit me into his schedule, referred to the best specialist based on the surgeries & sicknesses that I was up against urgently.
This doctor I regard as a not only a outstanding #physician , but also a very important and integral part of my care team.
I’m #thankful to him & his team and the foundation that were inspired to start a support group facilitated by their patient education team, to start this only #Minnesota based #Lupus #supportgroup of its kind! #Important #humbling #years #Advocacy #Lupus #Minnesota #SupportGroups #SystemicLupusErythematosus #DiscoidLupus #AutoimmuneDisease