Spinal Stenosis

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Spinal Stenosis
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Stem Cell Therapy

Has anyone tried stem cell therapy where they use our our own cells and also, extract cells from a baby’s umbilical cord?There are places in Mexico that do this and the results have been pretty good at 85% pain reduction even for spinal stenosis.


I'm new here!

Hi, my name is Goodluck12. I'm here because I believe I have arachnoiditis. This is probably caused by my major scoliosis surgeries several years ago. Now, I have trouble walking as my legs are very weak. The surgeries have also caused me to have spinal stenosis and I walk bent forward.
I like to know if anybody else have these problems. I would appreciate hearing from you. Thanks.

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Ketamine Infusions for MS? Does any one get ketamine infusions? Frequency?

Does any one get ketamine infusions? Frequency? Dosage? Protocol? Who prescribed & oversees? Cost? Are you able to get insurance coverage, reimbursement, or any thing to help w expense? Has anyone head about the clinical trials of ketamine to improve fatigue for MS? I have a demyelinating syndrome & connective tissue dx (both have no name), degenerative spine disease, and I recently got diagnosed w DISH (diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis). I’ve had 8 spinal fusion surgeries w plates screws and rods. DISH causes extra bone growth, specifically bone spurs on my spine. These bone spurs connected to form a bridge, a bridged osteophyte complex T5-T11 #MultipleSclerosis #Scoliosis #SpinalFusion #SpinalStenosis #ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome #AnkylosingSpondylitis #MixedConnectiveTissueDiseaseMCTD #spinal

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A cure or bandaid for back pain? #BackPain #SpinalStenosis #Headache #softcollar

After suffering a 4 DAY MIGRAINE I was done, at the end of my rope. I don't take narcotics and they wouldn't have helped anyways. So just all the other desperate people that do a Google search (yes I WAS desperate) I found some articles on transcript. And because like all the other housewives out there I am not a certified doctor (lol). In all serious ness for 2 days I put the soft collar on for a couple times each day for a few hours. My migraine turned into a headache and eventually went away. Instead of needing help from my family and a cane to walk that too got better. Obviously NOT medical advice and really I can't explain it but maybe it can help someone going through what I am....happy Sunday 😊

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Just learned that my nerve pains 3 types- all originate from spinal stenosis & glossophryngeal nerve & artery entanglement. Looking at possible spinal & brain surgery after hearing for years “take more meds” & “it’s a coincidence “. I’m reeling

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#mighty Pets

I’ve been so blessed to have had so many Pets of All Kinds in my lifetime! I briefly tried, but couldn’t live without one!

My Recent Love♥️

This is “Salsa”. She was initially named ‘Samba’, but by the end of the first day together I said “You are no laid-back cool island 🏝️girl! You are one spicy little Salsa 💃!” And at about 1 1/2 years, she fully lives up to her name! Cabinets have locks. Not a lap cat, but glued to me like a barnacle, doesn’t meow-only chirps & trills, thinks she’s a dog & plays like one, loves to drink running water from the faucet, and waits at the door for me when I need to run out! Yes, when it’s time for bed we have our snuggle routine, she becomes my “baby” again, I 🎶 sing to her, then she goes to her bed near me. Guard Cat. I love her to bits!🥰

#Depression #Anxiety #Migraine #graves Disease #Diabetes #heart Attack #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #SpinalStenosis #Osteoarthritis #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder

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