Make a decision? #Stupiddumbbreastcancer #MentalHealthAwareness #Blindness #yourvoicematters
How are we supposed to make these decisions? I’m part way through my second type of chemo. I’ve completed 8/12. The taxol started making my fingers go numb. I’m legally blind. I need my fingers for everything from finding the tactile markings on my appliances to cleaning up broken glass and washing dishes, to reading the Braille in elevators to get around. We cut the last dose by 20%, used ice packs on my fingers to limit blood flow/drug exposure, and I’ve started taking B6 to help the nerves. By Monday I have to decided whether to risk another dose or stop here and try to preserve what function I have left in my fingers. And yet, it’s cancer, not a damned cold. No good answer. No guarantees. No way to know. It’s all crazymaking!