My Ginger Cat
#Cats are among the best snuggle buddies besides my #Dogs . I love my furbabies. They have gotten me through some really tough times. Tonight when I sat at the table, my cat came back up to me, just like he did in this earlier photo, just to spend time with me. He will meow at me with this sort of purr sound, and slowly bat his paw at me. I can hug him and he lets me. I really needed the hug.
It has been a difficult week for me. Particularly Saturday, when I had a #PanicAttack and could not seem to catch my breathing. The hyperventilating was something I kept working with as my chest just wanted to keep going fast. It's almost as if it was an involuntary muscles reaction, vs something I was choosing to do. I cried. I could not work. I felt like I have been fighting the attendance points system for so long.
I had refused to accept #defeat or #failure from causing me to be held back. I keep trying and keep thinking about what it is that I want to do. My disorder won't let me forget that it is there... Lurking in the shadows for when my body is hormonally sensitive then it makes it's attack. I hate it.
While I await intermittent FMLA qualifications to be met, I am left curious and hoping that I reach the required federal hours worked soon. I am going to continue to try to do my best in a very awkward way.
Please pray for me that I do not fall victim to the attendance points system and lose my job over the disorder I cannot control from never happening or experiencing symptoms or flare ups. I refuse to give up. I close to stay gold sndbi-hh