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Shopping for TP, Sanitary Wipes, and Hand Sanitizer

Hello Mighties, I need to vent! While it is great that so many food & drug stores have set aside special shopping hours for the elderly and health/immune compromised people not everyone that falls into those categories have the ability to shop during the first hour of the business day each Tuesday, Wednesday, etc. Those that can't shop during the special shopping hours must shop later in the day if they are physically able to do their own shopping, however by that time odds are slim that you will find the paper or sanitary products you need.

I had noticed on Target's website that a semi local store, 20 miles from home, had toilet paper. I proceeded to go to the store and figured I would call and double check that the toilet paper was still available when I arrived at the store only to be greeted by a recording stating Target would not give inventory updates over the phone. At this point I put my credit card in my pocket, put on my mask and goggles, donned a pair of gloves, grabbed a few Lysol wipes, and put a bottle of hand sanitizer in my pocket and then went inside the store. I am unable to walk long distances so I use the riding grocery carts. I carefully wiped down my cart with my Lysol wipes and rode the cart to the toilet paper section, which of course was sold out. While I was there and already risking my health I grabbed a few things, checked out, and sanitized my purchases with Lysol wipes before putting them in my vehicle. It is scary and frustrating to go shopping and not be able to get the paper and sanitary products you need if you are younger and/or healthy. When you are older or in poor health and you need to shop you are now literally risking your life to enter a store to buy paper and sanitary products. It would be a huge help and could quite literally save lives if the stores could post at their entrances in view of all customers entering the store if they have certain paper and sanitary products in stock. I went so far as to contact Target when I got home to voice my frustrations, but doubt they will do anything about it. Thanks for listening Mighties...........stay safe and Corona/Covid free!#Shopping #ToiletPaper #stores #Safety #corona #COVID19 #CoronaVirus